2017R1 - code-editor linenumbering

Thanks Tim.

After 20 years, this addition looks strange to my eyes… but this is just me.

I just think at a use: when pasting in this forum a piece of code, it will be easier to say (just what you wrote in your last line above): change line 42 to…

Beside that…

I would have but you’re too quick for me. :slight_smile:

Its there

5101 IDE » Miscellaneous It is possible to toggle the display of line numbers on and off in code editors.

Thanks Norman.

Note that it tooks me hours to realize… I do not saw that entry :frowning: That is the result of ellapsing years (I do not complain, just explain).

Nobody ever reads the full change log. We need a more high level overview of the new features. I have been working daily with the new version in the last weeks and I didn’t see the new icon. Why isn’t this a preference? Why are the numbers left aligned and not right?

I wasn’t aware that it had been added. Guess I only looked at the Release Notes for things that I was tracking … D’oh!

There is a bug report about the alignment

I do read them.

I even translate the release notes into four csv lists (to be able to sort them)

This was implemented in Alpha 40 as part of the release of Alpha 43 on February 24, even though its was in the release notes (I remember reading it as I read all release notes) we (testers) were not instructed to test it as an area of importance.

I have been using this release since Alpha 20 (January 25) when the first release of this edition was made available as I was interested in the key binding feature, I cant speak for all the other testers and without counting the fact that I was using it as my main environment, I can assure you I personally put in at least 10 hours of specific bug testing and reporting (unpaid and uncredited) during this release, why not sign up for a testing account yourself instead of making these hurtful comments?

We don’t do it for credit, we do it to make the next version as best as it can be, sorry we don’t meet your expectations with this mission critical bug…

And there’s another problem, it doesn’t take long to test things when we actually use a feature.


[quote=323411:@]This was implemented in Alpha 40 as part of the release of Alpha 43 on February 24, even though its was in the release notes (I remember reading it as I read all release notes) we (testers) were not instructed to test it as an area of importance.

I have been using this release since Alpha 20 (January 25) when the first release of this edition was made available as I was interested in the key binding feature, I cant speak for all the other testers and without counting the fact that I was using it as my main environment, I can assure you I personally put in at least 10 hours of specific bug testing and reporting (unpaid and uncredited) during this release, why not sign up for a testing account yourself instead of making these hurtful comments?

We don’t do it for credit, we do it to make the next version as best as it can be, sorry we don’t meet your expectations with this mission critical bug…[/quote]

I like to put my comment in perspective and that is with regards to Normal’s post.

[quote=323195:Norman Palardy]Everyone is seeing this on Windows only - correct ?
It has completely different cursor handling than OS or Linux[/quote]

[quote=323202:Cho Sing Kum]I am also seeing this in Windows 7 x64.
Seems like no one tested this version in Windows before release.[/quote]

The missing cursor is the first thing I get when I launched this version. And seeing “Pre-Release Testers” from the first and several posts that follows, I can’t help but think that this thread should have been in the beta forum before release instead of this forum.

I returned to Xojo few years ago excited by the talk of 64-bit (and obviously still disappointed) and paid for 2 Desktop licenses since then. I applied to be beta testers immediately but no news only to realize that the requirement was changed to Pro users only and I think with special Pro forum. Unfortunately, I do not have Pro so I never qualified to be tester ever since. I know that the requirement has changed recently but one of my license expired last year and the remaining one will expired 31 July or 1 Aug. I don’t know yet what I will do.

I can safely say that if my very first experience is the missing cursor, I will report it. It is so glaring and I wonder why no one see it before release. Is my comments hurtful? Maybe… but scroll back up to the first several posts of the thread.

Nobody knew.

Its not in the pre-release (beta) section as its discussing a released version.

I don’t notice it when I launch Xojo. Its not on by default, so I didn’t notice it. I (as others) don’t test every single feature of every release as a) they don’t interest us b) we don’t use them c) we don’t have the time or d) we don’t have the time to test all features on all versions of the OS’s we use.

This was posted back on Jan 23, https://forum.xojo.com/38207-welcoming-more-pre-release-testers they have opened up testing to a wider audience to try and minimise these issues, feel free to join in :slight_smile: