device name of printer


I have my Project About
i want to add device name of printer from my computer to combobox control

how to
thank you

[quote=58717:@wittawat suwannarak]Hello

I have my Project About
i want to add device name of printer from my computer to combobox control

how to
thank you[/quote]

Are you referring to a particular platform: Mac, Linux or Windows

Windows Platfrom

On windows you can see “GetPrinters” of SystemInformation module on Windows Funtionality Suite here

I hope this help you.

You might find the answer here:

thank you every everybody

but I want to get device printer name add to combobox
thank you

for Example in vb6 :

Dim x As Printer
For Each x In Printers
Combo1.AddItem x.DeviceName
Next x

then Xojo is support this problem?

thank you…

I’ve knocked up and example project and uploaded to:-

windows printer enumerate

Thank you Chris Carter…

then If My computer is linux OS ?

then When I’m select combobox for excample :
printer device list:
-adobe pdf creater
-printer A
-printer B

When I’m select printer B on combobox then
out put printer is printer B ?

how to do it?