Odd characters in call stack

I have a routine that dumps info to a log file when my app crashes.
Can anyone tell me what the odd characters are in my call stack? ie: “%%o”

       Error Date: 2020-07-09 01:01:48
       Error Type: UnsupportedFormatException
    Error Message: The path passed into new FolderItem was invalid
      App Version:
   App Stage Code: Development
App Short Version: 
 App Long Version: 
       Build Date: 2020-05-23 19:56:54

       Call Stack: 

That is the encoding dir parameters and return types and quite normal.

Are you saying that I’m handling the string improperly (wrong encoding) and that is causing the odd characters to display?

Can you elaborate a bit?

Not at all
That IS what it SHOULD look like

Read about name mangeling here:


[quote=495763:@Norman Palardy]Not at all
That IS what it SHOULD look like[/quote]

Is there anything in the Xojo documentation that explains what the extra data is or why it is included in the call stack dump? My first reaction upon seeing it was maybe I’m looking at some sort of raw memory dump.

Some documentation on how to interpret the call stack dump would be nice. Instead of having to guess as to what I was seeing.

There is no documentation.
I think this is just a compiler internal.

But you may notice some things like i for integer, or o with class name for object parameters.

[quote=495764:@Christian Schmitz]Read about name mangeling here:


Thanks Christian, I take it that the odd characters I’m seeing are appended to object/variable names to insure that they are unique so the compiler can keep track of items having the same names?

[quote=495793:@Christian Schmitz]There is no documentation.
I think this is just a compiler internal.

But you may notice some things like i for integer, or o with class name for object parameters.[/quote]

Ah! That makes sense. So the additional characters express some information about the type associated with the item name.