“CheckWriter III+ 3.87 M 2019R31.xojo_binary_project” is from an unidentified developer.

That’s new.

I drag the project over 2019R3.1, and I get that stupid message :confused:

I think this isn’t a Xojo bug but a glitch with macOS.

I think it goes: You haven’t opened that version of the IDE yet so it has the requirement to ask if it can open, but it’s opening the file you dragged onto it so that’s the one that gets validated… or something silly like that.

I’ve had BBEdit do it with scripts sometimes.

Check the quarantine ACL on the binary project:

xattr “CheckWriter III+ 3.87 M 2019R31.xojo_binary_project”

I had two of mine come up that way when I moved them to Crapalina.

[quote=474617:@Tim Parnell]I think this isn’t a Xojo bug but a glitch with macOS.

I think it goes: You haven’t opened that version of the IDE yet so it has the requirement to ask if it can open, but it’s opening the file you dragged onto it so that’s the one that gets validated… or something silly like that.[/quote]
That’s an awesome misleading bug. Especially considering that a Xojo document probably doesn’t have the provision to be code signed, and even if it did, I doubt that Apple would actually support it as Xojo is a competitor to Xcode.

So @Michel Bujardet if you open Xojo 2019r3.1 by itself, and then the document, does it work?

Well, what do you know ? It seems now to open without making a fuss…

Either if I open from within the IDE, or by dragging the file over the icon.

MacOS is full of surprises…

[quote=474636:@Sam Rowlands]That’s an awesome misleading bug. Especially considering that a Xojo document probably doesn’t have the provision to be code signed, and even if it did, I doubt that Apple would actually support it as Xojo is a competitor to Xcode.
I am only guessing. Just gut feelings to explain the unknown. We all know how dangerous that is :wink:

Makes sense to me, macOS should validate the app, but gets confused when trying to open the app with a document.

Especially if the document’s had the quarantine EA set as I witnessed with my binary saves on 10.15.

The opposite! Xojo can feel honored! You get the same message when you open a third party Xcode project.
That’s Apple’s recognition of Xojo being a comparable IDE. :smiley: