Old and new

It’s clear to me that programmers should not be conservative. IT goes on and faster than we can follow sometimes. But in the transition phase, like we are in now with API 1.0 versus API 2.0, there are sometimes good reasons to stick with stuff that worked relatively well for the last few releases, rather than being an early adapter. However, it puts you into a battle when you see old bugs being fixed in API 2.0 releases. Since Xojo normally doesn’t fix issues in versions prior to the latest one, it feels a bit uncomfortable seeing API 1.0 bugs not being fixed while API 2.0 is still not solid proven technology. API 2.0 is out too short yet and there are still some regressions as I read this forum and FB well, which I expect to be fully normal with a big transition like this one is. I would argue that Xojo also has a little attention for 2019R1.1 users, which are many of us if suppose.

It is my opinion that Xojo has taken the stance of “Damn the torpedoes , Full speed ahead”… even when it is full speed along a course that is less that beneficial for its client base.

When I first began with RealBasic (RealStudio and finally as Xojo). I was VERY impressed, not only with the product, but with the vision and communications put forth by the company in general.

Sadly (my opinion)… over the years that has eroded. Various things have shown that for one reason or another, Xojo is losing its ability to maintain a stable product. “Xojo for iOS” was/is an example. From my point of view, it is a meager product that requires tons of 3rd party declares and still falls way short of being a “contender”. And it is my opinion that any Android product will most likely follow the less than stellar path that Xojo has taken with iOS.

Then of course there is the great “API2 Debacle of 2019”. Where Xojo decided not to listen to its beta testers and client base, and after a month of arguing (call it what you will) they basically agreed to kill 2019R2. For me however the timing sucked. Because Xojo wasted (again my opinion) nearly a year working on R2, my license expired before I got the benefit of R3 (by a week or two). And Xojo Customer service has yet to acknowledge the fact that I even question them about this.

As a result… it has been my decision (as well as many others I’m sure) to suspend any further financial contributions to Xojo and continue using XojoR1.1 for the foreseeable future. I find it unfortunate that the Xojo license model, fixes bugs (and I am talking BUGS, not new features), but you have to PAY. I don’t mind paying for new features… but if I bought a broken product. I would expect it to be “fixed”.

Another thing… while it seems to be an attempt by Xojo to solve the “communications” problem. I so far, do not see the creation of the MVP Advisory Board as doing anything. I would have expected pointed forum posts contributed by them, indicating their “vision” for what this “Board” might be, and how they hoped to benefit the community… But so far, not so much…

Perhaps what I have written above, will be considered cynical by some, and perhaps even deleted by a moderator. But it is none the less, my outlook on the current state of Xojo and its current product line.

As an MVP, let me first say that each of us hope to contribute in such a way as to benefit both Xojo and the community. We’ll be given earlier access to things they’re working on (I’m sure API 2.0 would’ve been one of those things had the MVP program existed). For a better explanation of the MVP program, you can read this post on the Xojo blog.

As to the actual topic we’re supposed to be discussing in this thread: Part of working in tech is being dragged forward in to new technologies – sometimes kicking and screaming. We’ve all seen it, we’ve all done it many times. API 1.0 to API 2.0 is another in a long line of things we need to learn if we wish to continue advancing in our field. We can either progress or fall behind.

Stairs to the top of the building are made with (19 cm) small and easy individual stair, so most of the people will be able to walk to the top.

API 2 is not an evolution (Sir), but a Revolution (think 1776 / 1789, depending on the country).

I am too old to use the stairs and now I use the building lift.

[quote=472949:@Anthony Cyphers]As an MVP, let me first say that each of us hope to contribute in such a way as to benefit both Xojo and the community. We’ll be given earlier access to things they’re working on (I’m sure API 2.0 would’ve been one of those things had the MVP program existed). For a better explanation of the MVP program, you can read this post on the Xojo blog.

As to the actual topic we’re supposed to be discussing in this thread: Part of working in tech is being dragged forward in to new technologies – sometimes kicking and screaming. We’ve all seen it, we’ve all done it many times. API 1.0 to API 2.0 is another in a long line of things we need to learn if we wish to continue advancing in our field. We can either progress or fall behind.[/quote]

Progress is what i have a license for, and API 2.0 improves working on code as it’s much more clear what’s happening just by reading code. Just keep adding bug reports for actual bugs and feature requests for new features so Xojo can do i’ts part.

API 2.0 isn’t so bad. Yes, it’s a bit of work to change the code. But the idea - except the silly AddRow - behind API 2.0 isn’t wrong.

Xojo doesn’t have the manpower to keep working on multiple versions. That’s just not possible. Anything else besides fixing bugs in a new version isn’t feasible. If Xojo 2019r1 is enough for you that’s fine. My software needs to be compatible to Crapolina and what comes this year (shudder…).

well said.

And what are the consequences ?

Take the problem the other way around.

LAST TIME i changed from another BASIC (in Q1 1998) to REALbasic, it tooks me a fair amount of time to learn how this (I know how to deal with the other BASIC) can be done with Xojo. The LR was burning (I never stopped to read it since, but now, it is to be sure how to write what I want).

I printed RB1.0 LR and added changed / additions / wrong (IMHO) using a black pen on it. I stopped using it at version 2 and never printed another one (too large).

Now, you can say what you want, what you believe it is, how easy it is to develop with it, but these are facts.

Only people who travels in a different country that do not speak their mother language and do not use the same money will understand how that is uneasy. And when in Europa, the citizen had to switch to Euro, think how hard it was for them; even for those who travelled in other countries (or French people who already changed the money value in 1959-1960: my 85 years orl sister still count in France from these times…).

You can still compile with your current license (whatever version it is) ? Yes, you can still compile with REALbasic 1 (I think). But how many people can still run it ? Same apply for recent versions. What Xojo version must you ave to compile and run for last year macOS ?

There is Marketing and there are Realities.