Windows importing SVG Music in htmlviewer to Image

This has been a real headache for me - and I have been spending a lot of time scouring the forums for a solution but having no real luck.
My Html image is using abcs javascript to produce SVG images and I would like to be able to print from an image. As this static sight-reader mode can have up to 16 bars, it needs to not be as screenshot, but a complete image of the score.

This seems to be a windows only situation - on Mac it’s a breeze (especially with MBS plugins:

[code]dim f as FolderItem
dim b as BinaryStream
dim i as NSImageMBS
dim p as string
dim pp as Picture



f= specialfolder.SharedApplicationData.child(“Guitar SightReader Toolbox”).child(“ABC”).child(“Tests”).child(“Printout.png”)
b.Write p[/code]

but do you you think I could find anything like this for windows… and before you ask:


Dim picWeb As Picture

// Get image from IE
picWeb = HTMLViewer1.IEImageMBS

canvas1.backdrop = picWeb[/code]

throws up an error.

Here’s my app in action - this is the Mac version (which prints)! I’m really looking at doing a complete re-lauch as I just ported it over to 64bit!

Do you use Chromium on Windows?
e.g. renderer property set to WebKit instead of default internet explorer?