Old iOS bug slowing down development

First reported in January 2015, iOSButtons placed on top of iOSImageViews become children of the image, and stop receiving events. There is no workaround that survives a save and load of the project.

Please can an engineer look into this. It really, really slows development down. All we need to do is to be able to set the iOSButtons’ parent to nil. That’s it. Thank you.


This might help:

[code]Declare Sub userInteractionEnabled Lib “UIKit.framework” Selector “setUserInteractionEnabled:” _
(obj As ptr, value As Boolean)

userInteractionEnabled(iOSImageView1.Handle, True)[/code]

What is particularly annoying is that Web and Desktop do not work that way.

[quote=392717:@Jeremie Leroy]This might help:

[code]Declare Sub userInteractionEnabled Lib “UIKit.framework” Selector “setUserInteractionEnabled:” _
(obj As ptr, value As Boolean)

userInteractionEnabled(iOSImageView1.Handle, True)[/code][/quote]
It does help, thanks.