OpenGL is offcially deprecated in 10.14

This was to be expected as Apple haven’t updated OpenGL this decade (according to internet sources). Now it’s official, RIP OpenGL & OpenCL.

Welcome Metal?

I wondered wether there is interest in me starting a metal plugin…

and Vulkan?

I think this move by Apple is just going to reinforce Microsoft’s strong position in the gaming world.

I would be very interested :slight_smile:

From an xplatform point of view, Vulkan would be the best choice I guess.
If highest possible performance is not that important and you are targeting Apple’s systems: I am still looking for SceneKit testers on macOS. Makes creation quite easy because you can import .scn files from XCode.

I think that will be a difficult one, Apple isn’t know to help competing technologies.[quote=391031:@Alwyn Bester]I think this move by Apple is just going to reinforce Microsoft’s strong position in the gaming world.[/quote]
I think it’s more about trying to reinforce iOS as the mobile gaming platform. If they supported OpenGL on the desktop, they’d have games developers harassing them to support it on iOS to make it easier to port games.

With the ability to run iOS apps on the Mac next year, they’re saying port your game to Metal and it’ll (kinda) work on all our current devices (except iPods).

[quote=391052:@Ulrich Bogun]From an xplatform point of view, Vulkan would be the best choice I guess.
If highest possible performance is not that important and you are targeting Apple’s systems: I am still looking for SceneKit testers on macOS. Makes creation quite easy because you can import .scn files from XCode.[/quote]
This is great Ulrich. If I was actually using Metal for 3D, I would to. I’m only using OpenGL/Metal for GLSL image processing.

[quote=391053:@Sam Rowlands]

@Dirk C  : and Vulkan?

I think that will be a difficult one, Apple isn’t know to help competing technologies.[/quote]

Since Apple don’t try to get in the way, Apple don’t need to help.

Vulkan is De Facto, for everybody, what Metal is for Apple. Game Studios won’t desire to write entire engines again using not standard closed proprietary APIs unless there’s no other way. MoltenVK is free. Khronos even have an OpenGL over Metal implementation for those wanting to continue using it, but this one is closed source and paid,