Do Web Apps have MinimumSocketsAvailable properties?

After some load testing I found connection latency goes through the roof after the 75th(ish) connection. Is there a way to increase the MinimumSocketsAvailable as there is with the ServerSocket?


I’d say you should try load balancing using something like HAproxy for that many simultaneous connections.

[quote=386097:@Daniel Wilson]After some load testing I found connection latency goes through the roof after the 75th(ish) connection. Is there a way to increase the MinimumSocketsAvailable as there is with the ServerSocket?

You can control this in one of two ways. CGI, only in the App.Open event, Standalone on the command line or App.Open.

See for more info.

I suspect you need to increase MaxSockets.

Hey Greg how does one do this on Xojo Cloud?

Absolutely, Just trying to get as much out of each instance as possible for serving static files!

I had tried increasing the max sockets but it didn’t seem to increase the MinimumSocketsAvailable. should increasing the MaxSockets bump up the MinimumSocketsAvailable so to speak?

I wouldn’t worry about it Jay. If you are using Xojo Web as it’s usually used and you anticipate more then 50 users concurrently then you should take Albin’s advice and use a load balancer.

You can change the startup properties in the event. Keep in mind that more sockets means more simultaneous Sessions and a higher memory footprint.