ARMv6 Compile option

Are there any plans to provide a compiler target for ARMv6? While i understand old raspi 1/zero lack enough grunt to run intensive apps i would still like to compile for that platforms.

No, unfortunately the LLVM support libraries we use limit us to supporting ARMv7. We are not likely to support ARMv6 in the future.

Understood, maybe you should rename the Xojo IDE raspi2+ build option into “ARM-v7” to clear further doubts. Using the build caption “ARM 32 bits” could lead to confusion to newcomers.

It’s not only the raspberry that uses ARMv7 though. There are a lot of micro computers that can run Xojo apps :slight_smile:

I found this to be a problem as well since I wanted to run on inexpensive RPi hardware. I found OrangePi and most of their models have ARMv7 compatible CPUs.