RealBasic books...

I would like to know how relevant books about RealBasic are?

I can get the book “Beginning RealBasic from novice to pro” for cheap and I would like to know if it’s still good enough or if it’s the information in it is too old.

Thank you!

In my view it’s too old, there are plenty of more current and useful books to be found over at xdevmagazine. Additionally the free would be a better start.

Go to the xojo webside and you will find a lot of free documentation.

Thanks for your advice Paul. I already got the programming text book printed. Just would like another “view” to it (don’t really know how to express this in english!).

I know Joost. A lot of helpful videos… but I like books! It’s easier for me learning from books than videos.

The core of the Xojo language is RealBasic. Most of the many RealBasic books one can find on Amazon, for instance, are still largely relevant if you don’t need the additions since 2013.

I did not read the book you mention, but as a beginner, it is probably very useful. Complete that with all the free literature available from Xojo, and you’re just fine.

eBooks are fine, but one may enjoy real, paper books. In that case it is very simple : there is no paper book at all for Xojo.

That’s my case Michel… That’s why I printed the “introduction to programming” textbook :slight_smile:

Price ?

At $5 (for example, including P&H), take it… Else…

I never understand the last part of the title (“ to Pro”).

At last, it dates from 2006.

I sold all my old books except one - Matt Neuberg’s “REALbasic - The definitive guide (2nd ed)”.

Chapter 3 and 4 are still an essential read even today. You should be able to read the first few chapters for free on Google books.

[quote=341523:@Markus Winter]I sold all my old books except one - Matt Neuberg’s “REALbasic - The definitive guide (2nd ed)”.

Chapter 3 and 4 are still an essential read even today. You should be able to read the first few chapters for free on Google books.[/quote]
Possibly the best programming book I ever read. Agreed on chapters 3 and 4.

[quote=341499:@Patrick Boutin]I would like to know how relevant books about RealBasic are?

I can get the book “Beginning RealBasic from novice to pro” for cheap and I would like to know if it’s still good enough or if it’s the information in it is too old.
This one wasn’t a great book, even back in the day. I don’t recommend it, especially now that so much has changed with Xojo and the new framework etc. More hassle than it’s worth, IMO. There are numerous better resources nowadays. Webinars, online docs, Xdev mag, BKeeney tutorials would all be worth your time much more.

The problem with any material (including my training videos) is that Xojo changes so frequently. I have 65+ hours of video but about 20 of it is still Real Studio and I’ve kept it there because it’s still mostly relevant and easy to convert but I know eventually I’ll have to re-record those 20 hours to keep up to date. Every 90 days there’s something new, something changed, and something fixed.

This is even more true today with the new framework. I actually started on a book about a year ago but decided to shelve it until the new framework is complete. Plus, we know there is an IDE change coming. Change happens and it stinks if you want to do any serious documentation.

I don’t care if the whole world has turned webinars, Youtube and virtual BS. The Twitter culture in 140 characters, hey ?

Eugene’s books

I recommend a subscription and the backlog of xdevmag

[quote=341548:@LangueR]Eugene’s books[/quote]

They are excellent, but most are Windows oriented.

Ramblings on REALbasic by Aaron Ballman

and last but not least, you can always post your Xojo questions here since there is a helpful community willing to share knowledge.

The new framework is very far from having replaced the classic RealBasic language. You can perfectly well program an entire application using only RealBasic language. One of the Xojo forte is that it is stable enough for RealBasic source code from 2002 to execute flawlessly in today’s Xojo.

All that to say, RealBasic books may not talk about the latest innovations, but they are still valid. Of course, the IDE has changed since, and will change in the future, but the core language remains the same.

Yes, that one is excellent too, though not geared towards beginners.

Have it on my iPad as eBook, not sure if it is even available as a real book.

[quote]Eugene’s books
Books [/quote]

I might get the one on sqlite… thanks for the link!

It might be good too… but what I don’t like about mags, it’s that on 100 pages, there might be only 40 pages that are relevant to you… I will have a look at each just to see which one are the most interesting.

I know that! :slight_smile: It’s a real good community and very helpful! That’s a big “plus” for Xojo!

I forgot links:

and of course the Xojo Library: