EncodeURLComponent Equivalent?

Is there an EncodeURLComponent equivalent in iOS or the new framework yet?

At first glance, it does not seem out of reach of a series of replaceAll : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Percent-encoding

Unless of course there is something in the framework that does it so a declare can be constructed.


I found this somewhere, probably on this forum, but I can’t remember where or from whom so I apologise that I can’t acknowledge the author. I use it when I post binaries to our web services to ensure the filename in the request is properly encapsulated:

Function EncodeURLComponent(value as text) As text

Declare Function CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes lib "Foundation" (allocator as Ptr, origString as CFStringRef , charactersToLeaveUnescaped as CFStringRef , legalURLCharactersToBeEscaped as cfStringRef,encoding as uint32) as CFStringRef
return CFURLCreateStringByAddingPercentEscapes(nil, value, nil, nil, &h08000100)
End Function

Thank you Jason.

I just added that method to XojoiOSWrapper.

We really need to start a wiki that show Old Framework and New Framework equivalents.

I wrote one using the new framework
Its a port of some C code

They could be wildly wrong
It was just an exercise to see how difficult it would be

Protected Function urlencode(s as text) As text
  dim buf as text
  For Each codePoint As UInt32 In s.Codepoints
    If codePoint >= 48 and codepoint <= 57 Then // 0 - 9
      buf = buf +  Text.FromUnicodeCodepoint(codePoint)
    elseif codePoint >= 65 and codepoint <= 90 Then // A - Z
      buf = buf +  Text.FromUnicodeCodepoint(codePoint)
    elseif codePoint >= 97 and codepoint <= 122 Then // a - z
      buf = buf +  Text.FromUnicodeCodepoint(codePoint)
    elseif codepoint = 45 then // "-" 
      buf = buf +  Text.FromUnicodeCodepoint(codePoint)
    elseif codepoint  =  95 then // "_" 
      buf = buf +  Text.FromUnicodeCodepoint(codePoint)
    elseif codepoint = 46 then // "." 
      buf = buf +  Text.FromUnicodeCodepoint(codePoint)
    elseif codepoint = 126 then // "~"
      buf = buf +  Text.FromUnicodeCodepoint(codePoint)
    elseif codepoint = 32 then //  " " 
      buf = buf +  "+" // may also be encoded as %20
      buf = buf + "%" + hex(codepoint)
    end if
  return buf
End Function

Protected Function hex(codepoint as uint32) As text
  // takes the codepoint and returns it as a string of hex chars
  Dim t As Text = Text.FromUnicodeCodepoint( codePoint )
  Dim data As Xojo.Core.MemoryBlock
  data = Xojo.Core.TextEncoding.ASCII.ConvertTextToData(t)
  static hexchars as text = "0123456789ABCDEF"
  dim buf as text
  for i as integer = 0 to data.Size - 1
    dim hinibble as uint8 = data.Int8Value(i)
    hinibble = (hinibble and &hF0) \\ 16
    dim lownibble as uint8 = data.Int8Value(i)
    lownibble = (lownibble and &h0F) 
    buf = buf + hexchars.Mid(hinibble,1) + hexchars.Mid(lownibble,1) 
  return buf
End Function

I would donate my domain xojo.io to that cause. I never had enough free time to get the file sharing thing off the ground.

[quote=270929:@Norman Palardy]I wrote one using the new framework
Its a port of some C code[/quote]

Some minor abuse of a Select statement and the To keyword saves a lot of typing.

Protected Function urlencode(s as text) As text
  dim buf as text
  For Each codePoint As UInt32 In s.Codepoints
    Select Case codePoint
    Case 48 To 57, 65 To 90, 97 To 122, 45, 46, 95
      buf = buf +  Text.FromUnicodeCodepoint(codePoint)
      buf = buf + "%" + hex(codepoint)
    End Select
  return buf
End Function

Just wanted clarity with the added comments what it was doing
The line

  buf = buf +  Text.FromUnicodeCodepoint(codePoint)

was cut & paste so no extra typing except for a handful of cmd-v / ctrl-v’s :slight_smile: