CustomUI fails on OS X 64bit Build

I try to build the Desktop example Project of CustomUI 1.7.1 using Xojo 2015 R3 on OS X 10.11.1 without any Plugin and building for OS X 64bit, i get the following error:

@JrmieLeroy says he can’t replicate the issue on his systems.

Can someone confirm that 1.7.1 is building or also failing?

Thank you.

Report to jeremie please:

Did and he can’t replicate it :frowning:

Strange, I can replicate same issue here using Custom UI v1.7.1.xojo_binary_project (latest).
Jeremie are you here?

Same here when I build for 64 bit OS X
I just downloaded it

I already informed him weeks ago. Then he made the .1 update and told me the issue was fixed. Informed him again.

Please give him time to respond, he’s sometime very busy but he will fix this for sure.

Where ever there is


should probably be

 CType(IconAlignment.LeftOfText, Int32)

There are / were things you could do correctly with enums integers & casts that break when the size of an Integer is no longer 32 bits and you’ve assumed they always are.

Like this

Has anyone received a reply from Jrmie yet?

Same error here.

To be honest: his classes are prety expensive and one would expect prompt support for this.

[quote=226037:@Christoph De Vocht]Same error here.

To be honest: his classes are prety expensive and one would expect prompt support for this.[/quote]

I have 2 Apps in the MAS using Custom UI, for which i would like to add NSSharing Services on 64Bits.

It can be done with a 32-Bit app, just not so elegantly… We created a small Objective-C application (it has to have a GUI, but it’s hidden via plist settings), then using NSTask we call the Obj-C app and pass in what we to share.

I do miss the native and built-in solution, and look forward to getting my apps ported to 64-Bit, also look forward to taking advantage of Force-Touch where I can.

Nice to know. Thank you jean. But i already have a working MBS solution. But because i can’t compile for 64Bit as long as i use CustomUI, i can’t use my solutiion. :slight_smile:

Hi all,

I am working on an update at the moment.

thank you for your patience.

Thank you Jrmie.

Norman posted the following, which may help you:

[quote=223929:@NormanPalardy]Where ever there is


should probably be

 CType(IconAlignment.LeftOfText, Int32)

There are / were things you could do correctly with enums integers & casts that break when the size of an Integer is no longer 32 bits and you’ve assumed they always are.

Like this[/quote]

I’ve just sent you an email Sascha with the update.

The computer I have with me today doesn’t have any Xojo license to compile so I am unable to test for 64bit apps.

If you have the time to test the update and let me know that it is working correctly I will send an update notification to all users of CustomUI.

Just got your mail. I am performing a few tests in 2-3 hours and report back.
Thank you Jrmie. :slight_smile:

[quote=226114:@JrmieLeroy]I’ve just sent you an email Sascha with the update.

The computer I have with me today doesn’t have any Xojo license to compile so I am unable to test for 64bit apps.

If you have the time to test the update and let me know that it is working correctly I will send an update notification to all users of CustomUI.[/quote]

No grumble just sad: We are progressing very slow. I takes ages until (IF) i receive answers to my Mails. I am now removing CustomUI from my Apps to be able to implement NSSharing functions into my Apps.