Search Tool Windows

Hello Master, I am a newbie on Xojo. I just want add the search tool like in the picture on Xojo in Wondows (not Os X), but i can’t find it on library. Please help. Thanks so Much.

Mac OS X has a special control for that.

In Windows, here is how to obtain a similar rendition :

Place a textfield over the window, then the following events for it :

Sub Open() me.textfont = "Segoe UI Symbol" me.CueText = &u1F50D End Sub

Sub LostFocus() if me.text = "" then me.textfont = "Segoe UI Symbol" me.CueText = &u1F50D end if End Sub

Sub GotFocus() me.textfont = "System" End Sub

Then you have to come up with the code that will do the actual search.

You can search files using a shell to Dir with options to search an entire disk.

Thank You So Much, Sir. :slight_smile:

Nice trick @Michel Bujardet for Windows! Learning all the time…

Cool! I think I’ll use it often.


That is such a clever workaround! Trust the master font man to know the right font for the search icon!

Love it.

[quote=181315:@Simon Berridge]Michel

That is such a clever workaround! Trust the master font man to know the right font for the search icon!

Love it.[/quote]

Segoe UI Symbol is a real treasure trove for icons and all sorts of symbols, including the Apple “Command” symbol :wink:

I am using it in my programs.

Here is a goodie for you : a full PDF table of all the glyphs in it, with their Unicode value : SegoeUISymbolTable.pdf

Thank you, what a great font!