ContextualMenu always displays last items

I use ConstructContextualMenu event on a Canvas to build a menu, items depend on mouse location and therefore different menus are built.

Code is like:

if Pos = a then base.append(new menuitem("Pos A item") elseif Pos = b then base.append(new menuitem("Pos B item") else return false end if return True

They are some places on the Canvas were no menu should be displayed, on Windows I just don’t append items to base and it works: no contextual menu is displayed; but on Mac it always displays the last build menu even if I return False (it seems returning True or False doesn’t matter).

It’s like a menu items “cache” for each control. Is it possible to empty the menu ?

[quote=128570:@Alejandro Fresno Meyer]<…> on Mac it always displays the last build menu even if I return False (it seems returning True or False doesn’t matter).
It’s like a menu items “cache” for each control. Is it possible to empty the menu ?[/quote]
Yes, I stumbled over that one, too. So I wrote a method to clear the menus before rebuilding them.

In your case you could sublass canvas and add a property of type MenuItem to it, let’s name it mBase. Then you could add such method to your subclass:

Sub ContextMenuClear() // Clear Contextual Menu If Me.mBase <> Nil Then Dim j As Integer = Me.mBase.Count-1 For i As Integer = j DownTo 0 Me.mBase.Remove(i) Next Me.mBase = Nil End If End Sub

Now you can do this:


Oh yes, and in the ConstructContextualMenu handler you then can set:

Me.mBase = base

and then append your context menuitems to Me.mBase

Oliver, thanks for your answer.

Unfortunatelly I can’t get it working.
mBase is correctly populated with the items and also removed at ContextMenuClear but still the last menu items appear when no menu should be available.

May be there is some OS restriction and shows a cached contextual menu for the same control. Will try to build my own menu at MouseDown.

[quote=128579:@Alejandro Fresno Meyer]Oliver, thanks for your answer.

Unfortunatelly I can’t get it working.
mBase is correctly populated with the items and also removed at ContextMenuClear but still the last menu items appear when no menu should be available.

May be there is some OS restriction and shows a cached contextual menu for the same control. Will try to build my own menu at MouseDown.[/quote]

You could try this in ConstructContextualMenu to reset base :

base = New MenuItem

I should prevent the caching.

Thanks Michel, I tried this solution but then no menu is displayed.

I solved the issue by creating and displaying the menus at the MouseDown Event the old way instead of using ContextualMenu events:

If IsContextualClick then if PosA then Dim MyMenu as new MenuItem MyMenu.Append(new menuitem("Menu1")) Dim MyHitItem as MenuItem MyHitItem = MyMenu.PopUp if MyHitItem <> nil then 'do action end if else 'no menu end if end if

This still works for Mac and for Windows

Its a bug - There is a feedback case for it

Try out

it’s a bug: <>

It’s a bug