Is the new color picker in Yosemite fugly or what? The 80’s called. They want their 8 bit graphics back!
Plus it is broken: Have you tried to use to select a color from screen, using the pipet (or however it is called)?
Try to get a CMYK color (10% I meant) using Select Color and check the color you get !
Oh, it is with Mavericks !
[quote=142991:@Oliver Osswald]Plus it is broken: Have you tried to use to select a color from screen, using the pipet (or however it is called)?
Yes, I knew about that one (and experience it). The crayon view is hideous.
[quote=142991:@Oliver Osswald]Plus it is broken: Have you tried to use to select a color from screen, using the pipet (or however it is called)?
Yeah, this is a bug in Yosemite. I’m hopeful Apple will address it soon.
IMHO. that’s only the tip of the iceberg of the things that are “fugly” with Yosemite. Just tried to send a group email. Much less intuitive than previously. The look is flat and more “amateurish” looking. The Apple GUI is taking major steps backward, and I don’t understand why.