
The rootViewController is not a NavigationController.

[quote=151986:@Hironobu Sekine] Dim newView As iOSView

select case row

case 0
newView = New ViewBackgroundColor
case 1
newView = new SetNavigationBarColor
end select


It was there but for some reason disappeared. Could be a bug. I have added it again and updated the repository.

Thank you.

Jason, try replacing.

  declare function navigationController lib UILib selector "navigationController" (viewController as ptr) as ptr
  dim navigationControllerRef as ptr = navigationController(self.ViewControllerHandle) //self is the iOSView
  declare function navigationBar lib UILib selector "navigationBar" (obj_id as ptr) as ptr
  dim navigationBarRef as ptr = navigationBar(navigationControllerRef)

No it doesn’t seem to work.

This works in a tabbed view. Thank you @ Richard Berglund :

[code]Sub Action()
declare function NSClassFromString lib “Foundation” (classname as CFStringRef) as ptr
declare function keyWindow lib “UIKit” selector “keyWindow” (obj_ref as ptr) as ptr
declare function sharedApplication lib “UIKit” selector “sharedApplication” (obj_ref as ptr) as ptr
declare function rootViewController lib “UIKit” selector “rootViewController” (obj_ref as ptr) as ptr
declare function navigationBar lib “UIKit” selector “navigationBar” (obj_ref as ptr) as ptr

declare function navigationController lib “UIKit” selector “navigationController” (viewController as ptr) as ptr
dim navigationControllerRef as ptr = navigationController(self.ViewControllerHandle) //self is the iOSView

dim navigationBarRef as ptr = navigationBar(navigationControllerRef)

dim sApp as ptr=sharedApplication(NSClassFromString(“UIApplication”))
dim currentWindow as ptr=keyWindow(sApp)
dim navController as ptr=rootViewController(currentWindow)
dim navBar as ptr= navigationBar(navigationControllerRef)

Declare Sub setBarTintColor lib UIKit selector “setBarTintColor:” (id as ptr, UIColor as Ptr)
setBarTintColor navBar, UIColor(&cFF0000)

declare Sub setTintColor lib UIKit selector “setTintColor:” (id as ptr, UIColor as Ptr)
setTintColor navBar, UIColor(&cFF7700)

declare sub setTranslucent lib UIKit selector “setTranslucent:” (id as ptr)
setTranslucent navBar

End Sub

I have updated the wrapper with this code as well.

It works in the View_Activate event (I tried it in View_Open and that doesn’t work). Thanks Michel!

Don’t forget that console.app often has very meaningful messages in the crash logs. Very often, what seems like a hard crash will show an error.

For example:
Application Specific Information:
*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception ‘NSInvalidArgumentException’, reason: ‘-[UIButton setBackgroundImage:forState]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0xc03b750’

Showed up because the selector should have been “setBackgroundImage:forState:”
Console logs generally make these things MUCH easier to pinpoint.

Thanks Jim. I’ll have to get into the habit of looking at the Console log. :slight_smile:

Console has it’s own permanent spot in my Dock. :wink: