
You may have noticed I had posted my wrapper module that I had used to have access to legacy methods in the iOS new framework, as well as some declares that were shared during the beta phase.

I just created a Github repository, so it will be easier to maintain and access :



Bonjour Michel,

would you mind posting this in .xojo_project format ?
so that we can browse the functions directly on github.

Thank you for your contribution.

Question… What is “ZNuscriptGuided”?
I thought the iOS System Font was “Helvetica Neue”

[quote=151388:@JrmieLeroy]would you mind posting this in .xojo_project format ?
so that we can browse the functions directly on github.[/quote]

Done. I have posted both a xojo_project and the wrapper.xojo_binary_code.

[quote=151403:@DaveS]Question… What is “ZNuscriptGuided”?
I thought the iOS System Font was “Helvetica Neue”[/quote]

It’s one of my fonts. Sorry, I forgot to remove that property that comes from my program.

Your wrapper code is exactly where I found it…

Properties -> Fontname = “ZNuscriptGuided”

[quote=151493:@Dave S]Your wrapper code is exactly where I found it…

Properties -> Fontname = “ZNuscriptGuided”[/quote]

I have removed the properties pertaining to my program.

JimMcKay has blessed us with two new methods in https://forum.xojo.com/18184-button-and-view-colours-ios/last

I added them to the wrapper :

  • setBackgroundRoundedRectangle allows adding a rounded rectangle and its border to a button, and
  • Backdrop lets you add a picture to a button.

Thanks a lot for doing this, Michel! And also to Jim for contributing.

Jim is the Master declare guru. Just call me Igor :wink:

Hi Igor :slight_smile:

Yes, I kinda know that from the beta forum, Igor. BUT, you were the one that took the time to make available a lot of the stuff I saw you figuring out during the beta period. MUCH appreciated!

I have been told a while ago the only way to keep what we have is by sharing it :slight_smile:

Just added hideTabBar, based on Paul Lefebvre post in https://forum.xojo.com/18176-controlling-tab-bar-visibility

Added ViewBackgroundColor

It is not a function in the wrapper module, but a view in the wrapper.xojo_project, which you need to run to see it in action.

This view where the background color has been changed is based upon code from Stphane Pinel, posted by Richard Berglund in

See the Open event of this view.

When I try to open the project - it seems to be missing a folder called AppIcon, and then closes?

Sorry about that. Apparently, Git does not upload empty folders. I will have to figure that out.

Simply create two empty folders next to the project files :

  • App Icon
  • Launch Images

It’s also looking for a blue.jpeg on the Desktop?

Sorry. Fixed and updated :slight_smile:

I also placed some dummy files in the needed folders so now they are part of the zip.

Add Action event: mainview -> controls -> table1

[code] Dim newView As iOSView

select case row

case 0
newView = New ViewBackgroundColor
case 1
newView = new SetNavigationBarColor
end select


My app crashes when setting the Navigation Bar color, at this line: dim navBar as ptr= navigationBar(navController). I wonder what it is about my app that is different to Michel’s sample app? My app is an iOSTabBar app - I suppose that could be it?