Xojo2024R4.1: tabbing out of WebCheckbox

The WebCheckbox doesn’t provide event to handle tabbing out or tabbing into it.

Is there a workaround available to handle this event?

Are you talking about FocusLost/FocusReceived?
Open an Issue about this and I can bet that @Ricardo_Cruz will add it to next release (no pressure there :wink: )

I did 11 months ago already

no movement yet.

Well, that request mentions “keydown” that is not available in Web2 (and I don’t think we will ever see it).
If FocusLost/FocusReceived can help on what you need, and because is available in other web controls, I guess it can be added to it.
My question for you is: FocusLost can help with your problem? or you need something specific to Tab key?

FocusLost might work as well I think.
The actual issue is that I want to control the placement of the cursor upon user tabbing out of the WebCheckbox, ex: put it into entry field or drop down list box that are non-adjacent.

Btw, I have added your suggestion to this enhancement request.

I created a new Issue.
If FocusLost/FocusReceived is offered on Desktop apps and some Web controls, Xojo should try to add the events to other web controls to match Desktop apps.
#78227 - Some Web controls that can receive Focus do not offer FocusLost/FocusReceived

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I hope you mean “control the focus” because it’s unlikely that a web page will ever be able to control the location of a cursor. That would allow a browser to prevent you from exiting a page.

Yes, control the focus.