Xojo2024R3.1: why two entries _HTTPServer.HTTPRequestThread in debugger

Context: WebPage with WebListBox using DataSource class

When I run WebApp on my machine (locally) I often get errors that don’t show when running same deployed WebApp off the actual web server:

I would like know what does it mean when I see two entries with the same name such as _HTTPServer.HTTPRequestThread, can someone please explain to me in a nutshell what it means and if this is something I can fix?

There are two entries because there are two threads of that class running. Class names with an underscore prefix are private to the framework, so you don’t need to worry about them. There isn’t anything you need to fix.

OK, thanks, I beginning to feel better, however …

The reason why I asked this question has to do with the conflict the in the DataSource class, it seems the results from two queries (one that gets the count and other that gets the actual rows) are returned in different order. How to best explain, instead of the number of records for the count query I get the actual row (or vice versa). When this code runs on the other hand on the actual web server (not my dev machine) the page shows web list box populated properly without breaking and the label shows proper count for the given query.

I typically have ignored these errors in the past (most likely because I didn’t know how to prevent them from happening on my dev machine) but I would like to learn more to understand if there is something I could do. The problem is that I can’t test the WebApp that breaks like that on my dev machine, instead I have to deploy the new build to the test web server to see if WebApp works properly.