Xojo Web app - help needed

I have been tasked with re-writing a database app such that it uses a web interface.

Having had many years experience with xojo, I thought xojo web would be a good route to take as it would in theory allow me to port huge chunks of the application.

I have tried using controls such as WebTextField and added a got focused event. It doesn’t fire if the user uses the mouse (known bug apparently). It does however allegedly fire if the user presses tab. Well maybe, but certainly not every time.

So I’m currently left not knowing when a user has entered a text field. This effectively means I have no control over the user editing the data. I could always set the control to read only. Only that this appears to grey out the control. This is completely undesirable. This appears to be the same effect as setting the control’s enabled property to false. I’m sure there must be a difference?

Does anyone have suggestions on how I can prevent writing in the webTextfields / webTextAreas/ while not greying them out? The suggestion needs to cater for the fact if the user selects to edit data, all relevant controls are “enabled” for editing…

Other controls I have used include webcheck boxes, weblistboxes and webdatepickers…

It looks like that’s a feature of Bootstrap. ReadOnly = true makes the control look disabled intentionally with that framework. As a user, I appreciate things like this.

Reference: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.0/components/forms/#readonly

If you need to know when the user has entered or left a field, I have a small collection of fixes for Web 2.0 that make it easier to transition from Web 1.0. I’ve fixed issues like WebTextField not raising the GotFocus and LostFocus events.

More information here:


Thank you Tim. I’ll take a look.

Purchasing now - this is the perfect solution. Thank you.

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