Xojo user and general feeling

Hi everybody

First of all i want to confirm that im a very pride Xojo user (i can call myself programmer as i have 7 app in the MAS made with Xojo?) and only thanks to Xojo was possible understanding what programming really is.

But i have a question to more experimented people, or different paradigma experts:

how other programmer or developer (expert or not) consider Xojo people? There is some kind of … dev racism?



As programmers our choice of developer tools is one of the most personal ones we make. With that comes the subconscious desire to validate that choice so as not to feel as one made a mistake. That sometimes manifests itself in less mature programmers as a need to verbally abuse those who made different choices.

Xojo is not perfect.
Neither is anything else.

Your success will be a result of several thousand factors of which Xojo may contribute to a few of those.

Hi Phillip

You are absolutly right!!!


Ultimately what is important is the completed program in the MAS and the sales statistics. Not the color of the hammer.

When the wise man points at the moon, the idiot looks at the finger.

I Michel

I like it!!!

there is always going be some sort of bias (for or against) a given language/toolkit. I know some java developers that think/say that if you aren’t doing java then you are doing it wrong. I disagree with that. I think that java is the right tool for some situations. Other tools are better choices in other situations.

I have never met anyone that looks down on me since I program in Xojo.

If Xojo works for you and you can complete you jobs/tasks, then I suggest that stick with it. If for some reason it isn’t working for you, then you should find another language.


Hi Scott

Yes i agree with you 100% , but some day ago I was having a discussion with a power builder developer who says that xojo developers are people with some kind of tool and brain limitation do the fact xojo paradigms is very easy to learn.

Inside me I’m was thinking that this guy is a complete idiot, but back in my house i start to think on his words and examples.

Power builder was adquired from Sap and I know is a very powerful tool because I see it in action.

There is some famouse case app write with xojo so I can shut up his ugly mouth?

There are a few showcased on xojo.com. Scroll down about half way down the page.

Today a guy say “that a language is worse because it is easy to understand” is more or less like go horse because automatic cars are very easy to drive.

Stupid is stupid, does not pay attention to fools ! :slight_smile:

Thanks Tim you mean the brands like Google , Motorola etc etc ?

O Paulo concordo con voce 100%


Java is never the right tool :wink:

Xojo has it’s place, but if you’re not taking advantage of Xojo’s one-click multiplatform ability, I would recommend using the native toolkits because they’re faster, make the app smaller, and provide a more native feel for your user.

That’s not to say I haven’t made things in Xojo just because it was quicker. It’s one big balance.

I agree. but I was trying to be nice.

I’ve worked in a couple places where java was the right tool :stuck_out_tongue:

That said there is always “language snobbery”
The VB guys looked down their noses at the guys who wrote big excel spreadsheets & macros
The C++ guys looked down their noses at the VB guys
The assembler guys looked down their noses at the C++ guys
And hardware guys looked down their noses at the assembler guys

And each said about the other “Gawd I have no idea how they get anything done in THAT tool”

But the spreadsheets ran much of the business and made a LOT of the money and paid all the other guys salaries. :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes there are some tools you CAN do anything - like write photoshop.
The question is what is the right tool for the job you want to do ?

Wise man

I was thinking more of the ones under the title, “Apps made with Xojo”: LightSpeed, Shine, and Move Draft SE.

On a French forum, there is a programmation forum with sub-forum : x-Code, Applescript, etc. , but not Xojo. And when I speak about Xojo nobody answer. Except sometimes, some guys say “You developp 10 softs in your sparetime and they are all working on the last system ???!!! I never finished my soft developped with xCode.”

As Paule say, they feel better because they use an ax but realize we go faster and better with a chainsaw.
I say ax because xcode is closer to the system.

Ole and Sven were lumberjacks in Minnesota, don’t ya know. And one day Ole and Sven were in town and they went into the hardware store looking at the axes and two-handed saws. The salesman showed them a chainsaw and told them it would do ten times the work as the hand tools they were using. Ole and Sven bought a chainsaw and rushed back to camp, excited. The next week they brought the chainsaw back to the shop and demanded their money back. “This thing doesn’t work! It takes ten times as long to chop down a tree!” The salesman checks the gas tank and oil reservoir. Everything looks good. So he pulls the cord and the chainsaw roars to life. Ole claps his hand over his ears and cries, “What’s that noise!?”

Use the right tool. Use the tool right.

[quote=145737:@Alan Castellana]Hi Scott

Yes i agree with you 100% , but some day ago I was having a discussion with a power builder developer who says that xojo developers are people with some kind of tool and brain limitation do the fact xojo paradigms is very easy to learn.

Inside me I’m was thinking that this guy is a complete idiot, but back in my house i start to think on his words and examples.

Power builder was adquired from Sap and I know is a very powerful tool because I see it in action.

There is some famouse case app write with xojo so I can shut up his ugly mouth?[/quote]

No matter what you say or show an imbecile, he has not enough brains or intellectual honesty to see that complexity does not equal efficiency. Because something is simple to use does not mean it is inferior. Case in point : in the beginning, computers were very complex. Yet they were million times less powerful than any smart phone today.

Most so called powerful programming languages around are simply complex. Not that it is in itself bad. But complexity equals too many choices to make for the same result. A language is not superior because it takes ten lines to display Hello World. Actually, it is pretty inefficient.

Let your dumb dumb Power Bader boat, and continue your road to success with what works for you. And stop talking to that snit, if all he has to say is that his thing is bigger than others. That’s usually a sure indication the guy is a lost case not orth any attention.

Well, there is a high percentage of Xojo users with (sometimes multiple) PhDs and Professorships who never studied to be a programmer.

And yes, they have some kind of brain limitation: they want things done, and fast, and don’t want to humour fools.

I remember when we got the first Mac in the lab. My Prof said: “Markus, you have 20 min to tell me everything I need to know about how to use this computer. But keep in mind: I’m not a hacker, and I don’t want to be. I’m a Molecular Biologist.”

She is now the Director of the German Cancer Research Institute.

And that attitude - concentrate on what you are good at and use the tools that allow you to do just that - is what I see with many Xojo users.

Markus Winter, I fit in this case, I am Graphic Designer and Grafic Prepress Professional, I study during the past 20 years Colorimetry and Color Management Process for Graphics and RS / Xojo was the way I found to develop applications without losing my precious time to “Programming Nonsense” just to say I know !
To me after seeing several tools XOJO is the one that best cast my needs.

And just to make it clear I studied C # and Java and disliked to my reality