Xojo iOS apps are very...White

All of the iOS example apps are white. All of the controls are white. Everything is white. Buttons look like labels. I hope I’m missing something. Will I have to resort to declares to add color?

White is the new black! :wink:

For iosTextAreas and iOSTextfield there isn’t a backcolor propery yet. Declares will have to be used until those properties are added.

You can also fill a Canvas with color to change the View background (with all controls as children of the Canvas).

This is how iOS 8 looks! :slight_smile:
It’s clean and simple.

There was a preview-video on youtube in 2013 where Geoff showed the possibilities how to style buttons for example (like with icons, colors, fonts, etc.).

Why isn’t this supported yet?

Hi Lars,
you could have a look at the UITextField implementation I posted here. You can take the structure around backgroundcolor, alpha, tintcolor and the like for almost every iOS object: These are properties of UIView and that’s the base class of almost every visible iOS control.
And it has, btw, bullt-in animation features which are extremely powerful and easy to use. Give me a few days to complete this here:

good job! Thanks! And… …hurry up :wink:

I’m afraid this has to wait a few days – do you know times when you are busy with paid work but wish for it wouldn’t be so? :wink:
If you like to play with the very prototype class: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/21200221/Xojo/UIImageView.zip

I’m sorry there is no documentation yet, but in general you can use everything from the UIView class that has a public scope. I don’t know why the image property is overwritten in the inspector by an integer, use it from the open code or somewhere else.
The animation demo doesn’t check for valid entries, but it should serve for a rough introduction I hope.

[quote=150247:@Lars Lehmann]There was a preview-video on youtube in 2013 where Geoff showed the possibilities how to style buttons for example (like with icons, colors, fonts, etc.).

Why isn’t this supported yet?[/quote]

That was just a mock up they did in photoshop of how they envisaged Xojo iOS to be. They hadn't started work on iOS back then

[quote=150247:@Lars Lehmann]There was a preview-video on youtube in 2013 where Geoff showed the possibilities how to style buttons for example (like with icons, colors, fonts, etc.).

Why isn’t this supported yet?[/quote]

I asked the question early on in beta, and was told something like it was an early prototype in an earlier system like 6 if I remember right, where design was different than iOS 8.

That said I cannot help but to suspect the prototype must have been done in XCode to demonstrate such an amazing number of features that do not show today. Starting with a bevelbutton. How come such an amount of work and public display disappear like the Wizard of Oz behind the curtain ? Let’s not twist the knife into a much too premature demo which triggered two long years of heated debate and criticism

Luckily, the Canvas is here, so creating custom buttons is just as easy as in Desktop.

I’d say what you saw was more of a “proof of concept”. Things that might work well enough for a quick demo video may not end up working well enough to include in the final product, at least for v1.

But yes, with iOS 7/8, “white is the new black”, the Canvas is a great way to add color and Ulrich’s project is awesome!

Thanks for that response! I just was wondering, that years ago Xojo was on a further stage than yet.

But, if it’s true that this was build in XCode, Geoff had fooled us a little bit. Anyway.

So I have to draw all my controls by my self.

@Paul: Oh wow. Thanks a lot! I wish I had more time, I find this stuff very fascinating.