Xojo Hide Toolbar?

Why is the View->Hide Toolbar always dimmed in Xojo?

maybe for future use??

I’d sure like to undim it! :slight_smile:

I concur - I would love to be able to hide the toolbar, there is a feedback report <https://xojo.com/issue/20528>

I would also like to be able to hide the navigator too, so when coding on the laptop, I can push all the chrome out of the way and focus on my code or interface.

I’d like to be able to hide the toolbar in my compiled Cocoa apps, as well : right now I can do it via a “Window/Hide Toolbar” menutitem, but ever since Apple removed the Tic-Tac control which hid the toolbar, the trend seems to be to right-click the toolbar to hide it - unfortunately you can’t get contextual menu clicks on the toolbar in Cocoa in Xojo at the moment.

[quote=17065:@Sam Rowlands]I concur - I would love to be able to hide the toolbar, there is a feedback report <https://xojo.com/issue/20528>

I would also like to be able to hide the navigator too, so when coding on the laptop, I can push all the chrome out of the way and focus on my code or interface.[/quote]

I would love a simple hot-key that took the editor full-screen like I can in Delphi et al. :slight_smile:

+1 for hot keys to hide toolbar and navigator. 11" laptops need all the space they can get…

Getting contextual menu clicks on the toolbar isn’t going to happen. On OS X, the Toolbar class really shouldn’t have inherited from RectControl, since an NSToolbar isn’t an NSView. The contextual menu you see is handled by NSToolbar itself provided that toolbar is marked customizable.