Xojo eula violation

I still not quite understand the scope of this point

On linux, these applications are categorized into development tools:
1. Database editor/designer: MySQL Workbench
2. GUI designer: Glade
3. Version history: GitKraken
4. Hex editor: GHex
5. Text editor: Geany
6. etc.

So, if we want to develop such tools, do we need to add Made By Xojo logo?

This was presented as an anticoncurency mesure.

But, better ask Xojo.

I’m happy to put a “Made with Xojo” in the AboutBox of all my programs. :slight_smile: But the question you ask is a good question, I didn’t quite understand neither.

You cannot create a BASIC development tool using Xojo and sold it in the MAS, Windows Store or elsewhere: unfair competition.

Xojo ?

Edit: Why do you have to understand ? After all, the tool provider (Xojo in this case) is the vendor and its EULA is its EULA.
If you stay away from the development tools (a BASIC for example), you are free.

If youw nted to create a C compiler, I will understand the question, but here…

At last, Xojo is buid with Xojo, so in the absolute, you can create a Ojox BASIC developement tool using Xojo and sold it against Xojo !

Or a Python one. Or any other language, as far as I understand.

Basically: is it competition to Xojo? No go.

So I’d guess Glade is out, Git is not a competitor so GitKraken is probably in.

[quote=346924:@Markus Winter]Or a Python one. Or any other language, as far as I understand.

Basically: is it competition to Xojo? No go.

So I’d guess Glade is out, Git is not a competitor so GitKraken is probably in.[/quote]

Ask Xojo. Geoff has defined guidelines (internally to Xojo) and they can advise you on this.

Our EULA says:

“You agree that if you and/or Xojo, Inc., believe that any applications you create with the Xojo IDE are designed to aid in the development of software using a language other than Xojo, said applications must include a “Made with Xojo” logo in the application’s about box and splash screen and must adhere to the rules that govern the use of said logo. Contact Xojo, Inc. to obtain the logos and usage guidelines.”

@Geoff: if it is another language, but on a platform not targeted by xojo ? like some microcontroller not a raspberry.
does it violate eula or not ?

Thank you Geoff.

So, the keyword is

If you have any project specific questions I would recommend emailing them directly.

[quote=346918:@Emile Schwarz]
If you stay away from the development tools (a BASIC for example), you are free.[/quote]

It’s too late. I’m creating text editor and several development tools that will fulfill my own need. But, Of course, it’s not for “Xojo language” and currently for private use only.

[quote=346961:@Jean-Yves Pochez]@Geoff: if it is another language, but on a platform not targeted by xojo ? like some microcontroller not a raspberry.
does it violate eula or not ?[/quote]
It’s not a question of that. The issue is whether or not you have to include the Made with Xojo logo and such. As the EULA says, if what you are building aids in the development of software, you’re required to include the Made with Xojo logo.

I frankly don’t see what the fuss is about. Adding one line and a logo in the about message is really not a heavy burden.