Xojo Demo / MBS / OpenCL Sample issue

Dear all,

I’m evaluating Xojo for GPGPU programming on both Windows and OSX platform. I’ve just downloaded the Xojo demo and installed two MBS packages.

But, when I’m trying to compile the sample code, I get the following error message : “xojo the app framework has been updated to use cocoa on osx builds as carbon has been removed”.

As far as I read, there is no solution to test this package. Am I right ?



When you open the project you get a dialog that says that ?
Its not an error - just saying that an older project that was set to run using the Carbon framework can no longer & that the project has been changed to run as Cocoa.

you can download and run the examples.
As our examples have to work with older versions of xojo, we build them mostly still as carbon projects.
But you can switch to Cocoa if needed.

@Norman Palardy , you are right. I got the warning at this moment.

@Christian Schmitz, No, I don’t really need to switch to Cocoa, I’ll just test the OpenCL capabilities of Xojo.

Just to clarify the situation. If a buy Xojo, do I get access to the previous version of the software or only to the new one (and thereafter further updates) ?

Regards / MfG (from Belgium)


Just run examples and see if they work.

@Chrstian Schmitz : No, the “Hello World” example doesn’t work.

The program stop here :

if program.lasterror <> 0 then
    MsgBox "Error: Failed to build program executable"+EndOfLine+EndOfLine+program.BuildLog(device)
end if

If I put the test in comment, the program runs well but the results are wrong. In place of the square, I get the memory content, I think.

a little change:

dim KernelSource as string = EndOfLine+_ "__kernel void square( "+EndOfLine+_ " __global float* input, "+EndOfLine+_ " __global float* output, "+EndOfLine+_ " const unsigned int count) "+EndOfLine+_ "{ "+EndOfLine+_ " int i = get_global_id(0); "+EndOfLine+_ " if(i < count) "+EndOfLine+_ " output[i] = input[i] * input[i]; "+EndOfLine+_ "} "+EndOfLine+_ ""
The “void” was missing.

Thank you for solving this issue !