Hello Forum,
In a web project, I have a web page with a public method called SaveProposal which I call from a button. The SaveProposal method updates some db tables etc.
I use the MouseDown event to update the user interface:
lblPleaseWait.Visible = True // displays label "Please wait"
pwSaveProposal.Visible = True // displays progress wheel
btnSaveProposal.Enabled = False // disable the button
…I use the Action event to call the Method (and the final few lines of the method reset the user interface)
Works fine, the method takes between 4-6 seconds to execute.
However, if I wish to implement this in a single step using a timer (i.e. delete the MouseDown event and replace the Action event with):
lblPleaseWait.Visible = True // displays label "Please wait"
pwSaveProposal.Visible = True // displays progress wheel
btnSaveProposal.Enabled = False // disable the button
Xojo.Core.Timer.CallLater(2000, AddressOf SaveProposal)
…the SaveProposal method does not fire.
I believe the SavePropsal method is in scope as I can call it directly (as per my usual method). Also if I create a test web project and test similar logic the event called by the timer does fire.
Any troubleshooting suggestions?