I’m expecting that someone from Xojo will need to answer this question as it has to do with how the timer in the new framework gets queued, etc.
So I have a method that creates a number of window objects in the back ground. Most users will have 1 or at most maybe 2 or 3 of these, but I have one user who has over 20 that get opened (these windows are for controlling specific physical objects).
Anyhow, here’s some pseudo code that I’m using:
r = MSDB.SQLSelect("Select TheIndex FROM MyTable ORDER BY TheIndex ASC")
If r <> Nil and Not r.EOF Then
If r.Field("TheIndex") <> Nil and r.Field("TheIndex").Value <> Nil Then
Dim mIndex as Integer = r.Field("TheIndex").IntegerValue
Xojo.Core.Timer.CallLater(0,AddressOf CreateWindowViaTimer, mIndex)
End If
Loop Until r.EOF
End If
So the method CreateWindowViaTimer is the method that creates the window. I figured it would be better to have timers fire to create these (I can’t do it in thread since a window is a UI object) and not hold up the UI.
So here’s that method:
Sub CreateWindowViaTimer(mlIndx as Auto)
Dim mIndex as Integer = mIndx
Dim w as New MyWindowControl(AGlobalArray,mIndex) ' Create the window
mWallWindows.Append w ' add to the array
End Sub
So in OS X, the timers seem to fire in a FIFO pattern. So the end result is that window with a value of mIndex = 0 gets added to the mWallWindows array first, the second gets added on second, et.
In Windows, it appears the timers fire in a LIFO pattern. This screws up my array and the window with the largest index gets added to the array first.
Can I rely on the order of the Timer’s firing when using CallLater like this? If Windows is always going to be LIFO and Mac FIFO, I can make adjustments. I have and I’ve tested it and it seems to work fine. However, I need to know if I can rely on that.
If I am spinning up 20 timers with CallLater, what exactly is the firing order going to be? Can I rely on that?