I’ve been using new xojo.core framework a lot but ran into issues where the new frame does
not offer functionality or convenience the old framework has. For instance I use dictionary a lot and iterating
over a dict is a nice thing but not if you use the new dictionary for queuing/dynamic things. The problem? adding/removing
items from a dict will
cause an exception within the loop:
[code]using xojo.core
dim d as new Dictionary
d.value(“1”) = 1
d.value(“2”) = 2
d.value(“3”) = 3
for each item as xojo.Core.DictionaryEntry in d
d.Value(“4”) = 4
The old framework offered a way to get all keys or values as array:
[code]dim d as new Dictionary
dim k() as string = d.Keys
dim v() as Variant = d.Values
for each key as string in k
d.Value(“4”) = 4
but the new dictionary you need to to it manually.
[code]dim k() as Text
dim v() as auto
for each item as xojo.Core.DictionaryEntry in d
k.apppend item.key
v.append item.value
for each key as Text in k
So my questions is there is better to handle such dynamic loops with a dictionary or if the key() and values() function
will be added to the new framework? What the best efficient way ?
If you find this to be a common pattern in your project, you could add a method that takes an iterator and returns an array of Auto. Then your code would look something like:
Function EagerlyEvaluateIterable(obj As Xojo.Core.Iterable) As Auto()
Dim results() As Auto
For item As Auto In obj
Return results
End Function
For Each entry As Xojo.Core.DictionaryEntry In EagerlyEvaluateIterable(d)
// Stuff that can mutate the dictionary
Excellent Joe, that’s my answer! Maybe you guys can update the xojo dev documentation as this is really a good advice.
Function EagerlyEvaluateIterable(obj As Xojo.Core.Iterable) As Auto()
Dim results() As Auto
For each item As Auto In obj
Return results
End Function