Xojo.Core.Date.Nanoseconds unreliable on Windows?

I am benchmarking a few graphics functions, using Xojo.Core.Date.Now and the DateInterval built against the saved start date.

While this works nicely on macOS, the DateInterval on Windows always gives me very suspicious times: They all have their last 6 decimal places set to 0, and the minimum seems to be 16000000 - I even received paint times of 0 nanoseconds.
Seen on Win 7 32 bit and Win 10 64 Bit.

Is this a known bug? I could not find anything in feedback - only <https://xojo.com/issue/44734> which is about Linux.

If I am not mistaken, tick times are reported in millisecond on Windows. For high accuracy timings, there is an API. Look up QPC, I believe that this is the high accuracy time API name.


ticks = 1/60th of a second
microseconds = 1/1,000,000 of second
but a nanosecond is 1/1,000,000,000 of a second way beyond what the computer can report

so why not

.... do stuff.....
msgbox "Elapsed time="+format((microseconds-start)/1000000,"##,###.#####")+" seconds"

Sure, nanoseconds are pretty tight. Anyway, they are part of Xojo.Core.Date/DateInterval, and on a Mac they can be used for timing quite conveniently.
On Windows they seem to have only millisecond resolution and if below a certain threshold (16?) they are 0.
I just wanted to clear if this is a limitation in the Windows or a bug in the Xojo framework. LR does not speak of OS limitations …

[quote=366568:@Ulrich Bogun]Sure, nanoseconds are pretty tight. Anyway, they are part of Xojo.Core.Date/DateInterval, and on a Mac they can be used for timing quite conveniently.
On Windows they seem to have only millisecond resolution and if below a certain threshold (16?) they are 0.
I just wanted to clear if this is a limitation in the Windows or a bug in the Xojo framework. LR does not speak of OS limitations …[/quote]

I use them too, sometimes. havn’t noticed this cause i make them to 3 decimals. But a feedback report won’t do harm since it’s not stated anywhere that is should be only milliseconds more or less counted for.