XoJo Bundle Identifier not working... Cost me alot of $$$

So, this is nice.

I am an apple registered developer and used my bundle identifier in the new XoJo, but apparently it does not work. No big deal, I was wondering why my sales were low. Apparently, everyone who downloaded my app for the last month couldn’t open it because I am an unidentified developer.

So, I put the com.companyname.appname under the OSX thing in the navigator in Xojo, but that doesnt work.

I upgraded to XoJo and lost sales. I am delighted.

You need to get a Mac Developer Account with Apple and codesign your app to make it easier for people to launch your app.

Read any one of the threads on App Store submission (search for “app store” with the quotes)

And maybe grab one of the various App Store prep tools like this one

[quote=27567:@M Jacques]So, this is nice.

I am an apple registered developer and used my bundle identifier in the new XoJo, but apparently it does not work. No big deal, I was wondering why my sales were low. Apparently, everyone who downloaded my app for the last month couldn’t open it because I am an unidentified developer.

So, I put the com.companyname.appname under the OSX thing in the navigator in Xojo, but that doesnt work.

I upgraded to XoJo and lost sales. I am delighted.[/quote]
Yeah, this has absolutely nothing to do with Xojo or Real Studio. This has everything to do with Gatekeeper. As previously mentioned, your app must be signed by a certificate issued by Apple. Without that signature, that dialog will appear.

Why doesn’t XoJo include such functionality? I mean if it sees me entering a bundle identifier why doesn’t it then ask my for my certificate names from the keychain to then code sign it?

Because the signing utilities are provided by Xcode, which is not installed by default. And can only be executed when building on a Mac, and as you know, Xojo is a cross platform tool.

I am using a third party app to do this. I do not see why XoJo can’t do this.

Can’t is a strong word. It’s not impossible, but beyond practical.

I find it ironic that the app I am using to code sign was made with real basic, but real basic itself can’t do it.

[quote=27567:@M Jacques]So, this is nice.

I am an apple registered developer and used my bundle identifier in the new XoJo, but apparently it does not work. No big deal, I was wondering why my sales were low. Apparently, everyone who downloaded my app for the last month couldn’t open it because I am an unidentified developer.

[/quote] Whilst you’re probably going to think I’m being rude, might I suggest that your software testing include running it on at least one other computer next time, to catch these sorts of issues, especially in these days of Gatekeeper?[/quote]

The third-party tool is simply using the shell to execute the codesign utility. Again, requires Xcode to be installed. You can create a build script in the IDE to do the signing for you. The functionality is simply not built in because it has too many external requirements.

Call DoShellCommand "codesign -f -s ""My Developer Id"" ""$PROJECT_PATH/Builds - MyProject.xojo_project/Mac OS X (Cocoa Intel)/MyProject.app"""

Is what I use in xojo. Be sure to place the build script after the build stage, not before. It, of course, requires Xcode to be installed, which includes the codesign binary.

[quote=27567:@M Jacques]So, this is nice.

I am an apple registered developer and used my bundle identifier in the new XoJo, but apparently it does not work. No big deal, I was wondering why my sales were low. Apparently, everyone who downloaded my app for the last month couldn’t open it because I am an unidentified developer.

So, I put the com.companyname.appname under the OSX thing in the navigator in Xojo, but that doesnt work.

I upgraded to XoJo and lost sales. I am delighted.[/quote]
While others have answered the issue, it’s also a good habit to test the download. Post it online and then download it. Doesn’t happen so much nowadays, but in the past files could get corrupted on the way to the server.