Hi all,
does anyone know how deploying a web app developed with Xojo to ServerWarp works? Also as unproblematic (via button click) as a deployment in the XojoCloud? Unfortunately, I can’t find any information, tutorials or even knowledge base entries on this topic on the www.serverwarp.com web presence.
Thank you very much and best regards,
Not something I’ve used but their SSL certificate expired nearly a year ago and their website copyright is last updated 2018 so I’m guessing they aren’t very active.
If you’re looking for something intuitive try Lifeboat twinned with hosting from DigitalOcean or Linode.
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I don’t want to intrude or derail this thread, but hi I’m the developer of Lifeboat. I have a short 4 minute video that shows the deployment process for Lifeboat. If you have any questions about Lifeboat I am more than happy to answer them!
I’m a little concerned about ServerWarp. Phillip is a great guy, but an expired SSL certificate is usually the sign of a dead project.
On Serverwarp, I have been using cgi apps since 2013 or so. I simply upload and point to the cgi.
For standalone, though, it may not be as easy, and since Web 2.00 is standalone only, perhaps Lifeboat over another VPS would be the better option.
Thank you very much! And this is exactly the point that my limited mind can’t (or doesn’t want to) comprehend. Why did the CGI support have to be dropped? Who would it have hurt to have multiple options to choose from? With all other development environments I use this is done via button click after specifying a host address or via placing the deployable package on the sFTP of any web host via FileZilla, where I then point to it via URL.
That is one of the reason why I do not indeed to upgrade my current apps to Web 2.00. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
That said, Web 2.00 UI is prettier, and may satisfy other needs. From what I understand, standalone is faster, and has probably other advantages.