Xojo application development log (History list) ?

Yes, I know, this may sound as a stupid question, but…

Don’t we need an History “log” ?

A list somewhere that keep track of the different locations we go during Xojo run ?

I explain my question with a real time / use:

I left my project yesterday with a text that will produce an error at compile, so I know where I stopped.

Now, I fired Xojo, load that project and run (but I had in mind a fix for a bug elsewhere).

I commented the syntax error line and go to squash my bug. Once that was done, I had a stupid question: where to go now (to continue where I was yesterday) ?

I forgot.

OK, I only have to do something else for a certain amount of time (undefined) and I will recall that, but an History “log” with cliquable entry is welcome. There probably (may ?) be other cases where this can help.

I implemented that feature in one of my applications, and I am very happy with that. In that case, I save the data on disk. Saving the last entry (or entries or a user modifiable # of entries can be good… or not).

What is your opinion ?

I found it.

I clicked in all Tabs and looked for open objects in the Navigator (”cause now all are closed at project time) and I found one who talked to me “That’s Me” he said :wink:

But the idea may (or not) be a valid idea.

no version tracking?

While I do find myself sometimes using the Back button of the IDE to return to a place I worked on recently, I must admit it is usually so because I let myself distract by a quick fix and did not use the features already available, like setting a bookmark or opening a separate tab.

I agree with Christian: The bigger and more professionalized your projects are, the higher the necessity for a VCS and preferably a good bug tracking/ticket system raises. In that sense: A better git integration in the IDE? Oh yes please.
A history log? Not so much. Let’s see what progress the revamped IDE will bring. For now, using the Back button mostly (though not always) serves that purpose for me.


But Git and SVN please :wink:

Thanks Ulrich,

[quote=388191:@Ulrich Bogun]Back button[/quote] ?
Good idea, but where it is ?
Oh, the grey arrow named Back (at the right of the first REALbasic logo icon [Insert] in blue ?)
I will try to use it. I never use it.

Not Yet Christian, I never had time to learn that since its introduction in Xojo five years ago. *

But Lite (people with license, but without access to the text saving feature) will not be able to do that.
Xojo answer probably is: “Update your license.”

  • Like everything else, it takes time to acquire the technology (how to use it). And I do not know (or forgot) if you can work with Git (or other) offline because in 24 hours, I do not access to internet most of the time (and I am not alone).

Yes. It has some quirks but often can lead you back to where you started editing your code in that tab.

You can use version control with binary or XML format too, but you will miss code comparison and selective features. But it can help to revert back to a working version in case you programmed yourself into a cul-de-sac without the need to save thousands of version copies of your project like many do in that case.
Also, you can work perfectly and constantly offline with a VCS. A repository does not need to be hosted on the internet.

Thank you Ulrich for these informations.

I will explore that when I need a break (instead of a nap).

On macOS, i think, it’s part of the System. Is it? :slight_smile:

I use #PRAGMA warning “message” scattered thru out my program to remind me of things to “do”
These all popup when you do an “ANALYZE”, yet don’t stop the program from compilng

Dave: this loos interesting ! Thanks.

I use my own program ArchiveXojo (which is available for free) to partially deal with this sort of memory lapse problem. Basically saves time stamped text files of your coding as you do your work which ultimately ends up in a database. I also use Omni Outliner to sort of keep a diary of what I am doing and thinking as I work.
I am old and these crutches help me deal with a less robust memory that has accompanied aging.

If not using Git /SVN:

work somewhere
had an idea,
implement it,
after minutes if you have to go back t where you comes… you have to search (many clicks in the Back button).
So the idea is still welcome (if I forget Git or SVN).

i use TaskPaper (something similar to Omni Outliner)

I just was thinking: why do I not use an old fashioned way: a sheet of paper and a pen !

I do not do that very frequently those years :wink:

Sourcetree is free and keeps track of mods, but doesn’t highlight areas that you want to go back and fix. I like Dave’s solution for inline commenting and finding later. You can also use bookmarks (right click left hand margin) and later go to Project–>Bookmarks–>show all. Clicking on the revealed bookmark takes you to the code. I think that is probably the simplest.

I never used the Bookmarks features. When it appears, I saw that as an Internet Browser feature.

Hey, that makes a bunch of solutions…

As I do programming in Swift as well as in Xojo… I use a Visual Studio trick for my Xcode projects…
I insert //TODO comments, then I have an Xojo program that scans all the files in the Xcode project and writes a neat task list
It is still a work in progress, as I try to figure out exactly what information the report should have to make it the most useful. But if anyone is interested, let me know and I’ll provide a free copy when I nail it all down. This same program “should” work on either Swift or ObjC projects

[quote=388645:@Dave S]As I do programming in Swift as well as in Xojo… I use a Visual Studio trick for my Xcode projects…
I insert //TODO comments, then I have an Xojo program that scans all the files in the Xcode project and writes a neat task list
It is still a work in progress, as I try to figure out exactly what information the report should have to make it the most useful. But if anyone is interested, let me know and I’ll provide a free copy when I nail it all down. This same program “should” work on either Swift or ObjC projects[/quote]

I am interested, please add me to your list. Thank you Dave.

It is possible to write such things in XojoScript:

Set Notes, then read them with the XojoScript.

The real trouble (beside writing script or…) is the time it takes.

Thank you all for all clues / advices you give in this conversation.