Xojo 2016 Rel 3

Xojo 2016 Rel. 3

Salve, dopo aver aggiornato a Xojo 2016 rel 3 non posso più compilare o far partire in runtime le mie app è tutto disabilitato…
Avete suggerimenti?
Ho provato a fare sia il logout che il login ma le icone rimangono disabilitate. e anche dal menu Project le voci run e build rimangono disabilitate.
Per completare anche dalla ver. 2.1 non potevo più compilare o far partire il run dalle icone in alto dovevo andare dal menu project.

Using Google translate:
Assicurarsi che la licenza valida. Eliminare la cache Xojo.

Also from Google Translate:

Controllare le impostazioni di generazione per assicurarsi che non impostata a 64 bit. In tal caso, cambiare a 32 bit e vedere se possibile eseguire il progetto.

Hi, I’m in possession of two licenses xojo a maturing in January 2017 ( IOS ) and an expiring August 2017 ( WEB SERVER DB ) .
I do not know how to clean the chace of Xojo ??

thank you

Please email hello@xojo.com for help with this.

Tanks jason i send email to hello@xojo.com

I Jason,

I tried to reset the password , I tried to log out and log on xojo menu, I tried to open Xcode and then to start xojo …

But nothing has changed still can not be running the compile button and run , even from porject menu

When I go on Xojo menu - My Account I get this message :

" There was an error displaying your control panel account . "

You will still be directed to your control panel account , but you may need sign in manually .

Pressing ok I open the browser and I get the login page user XOJO , but incorporated in the data I get the error page :

The message that appears to me in the browser page is as follows :
Oh , no!

There was an error. The bugs captain, unfortunately. Send an email to custserv@xojo.com , quoting the error # 2663 , and we’ll deal with .

Meanwhile , there is not much else to do but go back to the home ."

I am waiting for a solution …

Enrico La Rosa

Okay. I am going to talk to someone here about this and we’ll get back to you.