xojo 2014 licensing not seeing computer after new hard drive installation

xojo 2014 licensing not seeing computer after new hard drive installation. I have reinstalled xojo, logged in, tried redownloading the keys and i just get a network error, even though the network is fine. when i go to the licensing page i do not see my computer, also when i try to build i get the unlicensed error?

For licensing issues you should reach out to hello@xojo.com so they can get you situated.

Be prepared to offer them more information, they’ll probably want to know what kind of computer you’re using and what version the operating system is.

Thanks @Tim Parnell :slight_smile: Steve contacted me via email

If I recall correctly, you need to install a newer version of Xojo. It (newer version) will communicate properly with the license server. Then your older copy will license.