
Drop all the shadows and box outlines and it will look more trendy modern UI wise. :wink:

I hope You will make it available for new Xojo-developers. They would probably have difficulties to contribute with Xippets. Perhaps a fair subscription fee on a year basis would be doable.

Xippets will be available to everyone free of charge. Contributing is optional but the code base will only grow with contributions. All the code available will be that submitted by members and available to all members royalty free.

It is hoped that if you make use of code made available by others you will put something back. This will not be compulsory though.

Nice. I was thinking of something like this but more along the lines of http://commandlinefu.com/ - This looks much better.

Not sure about better, but the site is useful. Thank you!

Hi All

Just an update to let you know xippets is still on its way. We wanted to make sure the site was secure and this has taken a little longer than anticipated. We have also listened to a lot of your feedback in this thread and implemented things like commenting and rating features. Bear with us, it won’t be long now.

Thanks. Mike Charlesworth

The latest on Xippets. It has taken so much longer than I wanted to get off the ground but as you’ll see from the screenshot below it is coming along well. We have added the following since the last update:

User star ratings for Xippets
Commenting on submissions by others
User avatars
View and Edit buttons for logged in users and Xippet owners
Completely overhauled the user log in system
Installed secure certificate on the server (https)
Added the category name to the Xippet browser for each Xippet (Comment by Jay Madren)
Modernised and tidied the UI (Comment by Jason Cox)
Searchable by subject name
Most of Oliver Oswalds’s comments above apart from downloadable examples (Will be added)

Very clean and impressive UI! I am excited to try it out. Thank you for spending your time on this as it will be a nice code repository for Xojo developers.