
Hi All, as discussed in thread (See Here) we have been working on an online code repository for Xojo developers.

Launch is only 1 to 2 weeks away and we will announce this on the forum but we are keen to show some screen shots of where we are today. The repository is to be called “Xippets”. The name was made from Xojo Snippets which i guess then retranslates to Cross platform snippets.

We are currently finalising some of the website security and waiting for our certificate to be installed to activate the secure layer (https). The actual application is complete apart from some minor tweaks here and there. We have intentionally kept it fairly basic to start with and will develop this with your input and if the uptake is good.

The idea with Xippets is that you submit and contribute to the database, in return you get to use others contributions and submissions. That said, it will be fairly thin on the ground initially but we hope a good community will build up and a rich repository of code snippets or Xippets will follow. There will be no charge for using the website, all we ask is that you contribute royalty free code snippets.

Anyway, please see below the main Xippet index in the first image and a view of a Xippet in the second image.


Mike Charlesworth
BoxedByte Software Solutions

look pretty good.

Looks nice Mike. Any chance a forum will be added?

It is not intended to add a forum. We may add the facility to comment on other users submissions for the purpose of suggesting where a Xippet could be modified, streamlined or made better or other such relevant comments.

Just curious… Thanks Mike.

It looks really good and I can’t wait to see it.

Really nice. Will there be a category for Regular Expression Xippets? It is always hard to find quality regular expressions on the Internet.

Awesome name btw.

Nice, clean looking UI. You did this with Xojo WE?

Looks great!

Would it be possible that You coordinate it with the people behind http://www.xojodevspot.com

The online community is rather small and instead of spreading all good intentions on their own some co-work would be excellent.

Looks really good.

I look forward to reading and contributing.

Not got one planned at the moment. I would probably put any Xippet dealing with RegEx into text manipulation at the moment. I will log your interest though. If demand requires it then we will happily add a category.

No it has been built from the ground up HTML5, PHP and CSS.

Very nice looking interface!

Just curious why this wasn’t done in Xojo Web? Seems like the perfect application for this.

[quote=36981:@Joseph E]
Just curious why this wasn’t done in Xojo Web?[/quote]
Me too - I am curious, I would like to see some Xojo WE sites generally - is there a list?

Please soon add a way to add comments and LINK to other Xippets.
Because, in my experience, there will be a LOT of badly given examples (just look at Xojo’s own LR, there’s so many bugs in there), so we should be able to point them out and correct them in new Xippets, if possible. Otherwise, it’ll soon just be another bug bunch of misinformation, I’m afraid.

I applaud you for taking the initiative, though! I hope it’ll turn out well.

Yes this is definitely going to happen. We really wanted to launch the site as soon as possible and get a feel for the uptake before developing it too much further. There are lots more features we have pencilled in to happen, it all depends on the success or not but we will be open to suggestions from day 1.

Agreed, we dont want people posting Xippets which may not be correct or have a better way of being done and no one being able to correct them. We want this to be a reliable source of code.

If you don’t want to write a comments option from scratch you could always use disqus.

Add a rating feature.

Similar to what is available in codeproject.com, on Xippets I hope to find:

  • Can add a downloadable sample project
  • Can add a step-by-step description
  • Can discuss postings of others
  • Can rate postings (0 to 5 stars)
  • Can classify a posting (beginner, intermediate, advanced)
  • Can search for postings by contents, rating, classification, contributor, category

Just my $ .02

Looking at your screenshot, I’d suggest you add the category to each header/summary and to the full snippet screen.