Xippets Steps up a gear

We are testing the water. If it looks like there would be a good uptake, Xippets will move to a dedicated site/domain. I do contribute but only in the same way any Xojo user does.

Yes I understand your concerns here. We have terms in the pipeline but haven’t published them yet. Probably an unwise move but again, testing the water. The concept will be all Xippets will be royalty free for use by anyone and not owned by BoxedByte.

There is no commercial gain/advantage to us developing Xippets, it was made solely for the community.

Thom, Brad et Al. The. site now allows viewing without registration. Please take the time to have a look.

We are listening to everyones suggestions and feature requests so please tell us what you think and want

Good to hear you changed the policy.

I hope you will succeed with your website but looking at the past, similar sites never got that populated to be interesting. Most ‘die’ in the first couple of months.

Now, making an open-source Dash database would be more interesting imo.

Just my two cents off course.

Anything to help the community is a good thing, but I share the same sentiments. I ran a similar site years ago and it never really took off despite having a more robust library almost out of the gate.

It is very hard for these supporting sites to gain traction. Xojo/Paul has done a good job of spreading the word recently, so maybe this time will be different.

[code]Mike Charlesworth 7 hours ago
Thom McGrath This is precisely the reason I don’t use the site at all. I’m not interested in creating another account just to determine wether or not the site has any content of value to me. By locking it all away, I have to reach my conclusions without all the facts.

Thom, Brad et Al. The. site now allows viewing without registration. Please take the time to have a look.

We are listening to everyones suggestions and feature requests so please tell us what you think and want[/code]

Mike this is a very admiral thing you are doing and I appreciate the level of effort you have clearly displayed. I think Xippets is a great idea and like anything if done well will be successful in it’s value. Right out of the gate I do believe the ease of use and clarity of your end result is fantastic.

I hope you keep it up and thank you again.

[quote=48481:@Mike Charlesworth]We are listening to everyones suggestions and feature requests so please tell us what you think and want


You could do like this forum and let non-registered users see the posts. This would probably entice them to register.

As for login, again, I visited several forums today, and keep visiting those with auto-login. I simply dropped the ones where I have each time to look for the password. Cumbersome. I understand your concern for security, but, truly, what is the goal ? Annoying your faithful users, or making sure they feel welcome when they land on your page ?

[quote=48557:@Michel Bujardet]You could do like this forum and let non-registered users see the posts. This would probably entice them to register.

As for login, again, I visited several forums today, and keep visiting those with auto-login. I simply dropped the ones where I have each time to look for the password. Cumbersome. I understand your concern for security, but, truly, what is the goal ? Annoying your faithful users, or making sure they feel welcome when they land on your page ?[/quote]

Mike, your first point has been done. Anyone can now view Xippets.

Your second point is being done. I would rather loose a few subscribers now than risk the security of the many. But I understand your point and this is being done but being done right.

I never said to do it quick and dirty. I simply think one of the major reason why some resources and blogs die is because people simply give up on login into a gazillion places with gazillion user names and passwords. This forum does auto-login. So do Google, Yahoo, and most major places. If big stores have large doors, it is to get many customers. Small shops cannot require customers to present their credentials to push their doors.

As a developer, I do understand you have to get it right, and knowing a thing or two about cookies, I never expected an instant result.

I could under the security concern more if you were actually storing anything other than a few pieces of non-personal data, but considering what you are storing (email, nick, icon) I don’t see what the big deal is with providing a cookie for auto-logins and then you can play around with it all afterwards to make it more secure…

I’m not sure all members would have your same relaxed attitude towards security. I also hope you are not or do not ever run a subscription website with this view and poor approach towards security. Lets say my database got breached and a user has their password stolen, the same password they use for online banking with 3 banks and the same username and they have their real name on the site. This type of information is so valuable to hackers. On a less damaging note but still as irritating email addresses are again very valuable to spammers, I’m sure you wouldn’t want to be getting spammed all the time because I didn’t take your security seriously and I expect you would have a different view towards my approach then.

Additionally, In the UK we have a thing call the Information Commissioners Office who regulate the storage of personal information. If there was a breach and I said “well I was making it more secure but playing around with it until I got it right” wouldn’t wash. I would probably get banned from ever owning a members website again. I have a legal and moral obligation toward protecting personal information however trivial that personal information may seem.

This feature is almost complete. I have only had 1 complaint (lost one member) about not having it and 3 feature requests. I expect the majority of the community don’t mind writing 2 small words on a form while this is implemented in a secure manner. In the meantime they could do what I am doing at the moment and use their browsers Autofill capability if they don’t wish to type 2 words to get on the site.

i got this error “Not Found. The requested URL / was not found on this server.” when click on the link

I sure would hope you are not storing the actual password! That would be very poor security! Store a salted hash instead!

No not at all. As I say security it a big concern to me. I am using the latest hashing algorithms, salted with random salts sha256 plus extra within that to add to security. The reason I mentioned the above is that using persistent logins done wrong can leave all sorts of security holes and the poster was implying I should just throw something together and then worry about the security of it after so everyone had the benefit of using it. I was surprised by his comments and meant would he be happy if our database got breached because I ‘threw’ some code together. I doubt it. I may not store credit card information etc but it is still personal information and should be kept safe.

Not sure which link you used. It is https://www.boxedbyte.com/xippets.php Let me know if you have any problems but we are receiving plenty of traffic so should be ok.

it is ok when i click again after an hour later.

Odd, not had any downtime. Anyway hope you like it.