Wrap in For/Next

Perhaps I am blind, but I cannot find “Wrap in For/Next” in the IDE. If/Endif, Do/Loop, and While/Wend are present.

I know, it is not so important but it is a little inconsistency for me.

Not sure exactly what it is you are looking for … “WRAP”???

Select some code in the code editor.
Right-click and look about two thirds of the way down on the context menu.

Never used the functions myself.

[quote=187444:@Jens Knaack]Perhaps I am blind, but I cannot find “Wrap in For/Next” in the IDE. If/Endif, Do/Loop, and While/Wend are present.

I know, it is not so important but it is a little inconsistency for me.[/quote]

File a feature request ?

@Bob That’s what I mean.
@ Michel I think there are things that are more important.

Ah… Not something I ever used… or really (personally) see a need for … I’m not a short-cut kinda guy… except perhaps for auto-complete :smiley:

[quote=187455:@Jens Knaack]@Bob That’s what I mean.
@ Michel I think there are things that are more important.[/quote]

I never used that feature anyway and probably never will. You are the one who seem bothered by it, so I assumed it was important for you. It takes just the same time to file a FR and post a message here…

I have never sent a feature request. If it is quiet the same as writing a post I will do that. It is no important thing but I would like to have it. It is done via feedback I guess.

Yes, go into Feedback, type for instance the title of this post in the search box on top and press Enter. Then click “Create new case” on top right, and in Case Type, select Feature request. Then simply copy and paste your original post.

Filing a feature request is the only way to make sure Xojo engineers will record your request. It is not a guarantee you will have that right away, but at least it will be in the pile.

Thank you for the information. I’ll do so.