I am catching an invalidJSON Exception but would like to know if there is a way to avoid this exception to begin with. If I request an invalid channel sent to a smart device from a URL Connection call, this error will occur.
Var json As Dictionary = ParseJSON(Content) //Error if incorrect channel selected
If json.HasKey( "ison" ) Then
Var status As Variant = json.Value( "ison" )
ResultArea.Text = "" // Clear result area text
ResultArea.AddText(status) // True or False
Rem Manage radio buttons
If status And S_OnButton.value = False Then
S_OnButton.value = True
Elseif Not status And S_OffButton.value = False Then
S_OffButton.value = True
Smart_Devices_Utility_Window.ShellyResultArea.Text = ""
Smart_Devices_Utility_Window.ShellyResultArea.AddText(json.Value( "ison" ))+" "+ URL // Result will happen for status check and radio push
Catch json As InvalidJSONException
MessageBox("Invalid channel selected.")
End Try
#Pragma BreakOnExceptions Default // Restore setting from Project menu