Windows Store marketing

[quote=308873:@Peter Verburgh]I was looking at the windows store Apps today, my first impression was that the store is not so up to date… old apps… , not always professional…

So I’m asking myself, is the Win App Store also an way to go ? is this profitable ? (because recently you can ‘migrate’ you win32 app to the App Store…) , I have a little app written in Xojo , but I’m confused about windows store… maybe its better to sell not in the store but sell it by google adv, Facebook…[/quote]

I have about half of the 17 or so I have in the MAS posted to the Windows Store. Same titles.

Sales are as expected about half what they are in the MAS, but they used to be worse. Windows 10 has really boosted the store.

The big advantage of the Windows Store, like the MAS, is that your app gets listed in the whole world with a minimum of efforts. It is in itself a nice promotion. And you don’t have to deal with payment, and local VAT rules.

Mind you, I started selling software back in 1987, way before the Internet, and my first Web site dates back to 1996. So I have a bit of experience outside of these store. Setting up a web site takes efforts for it to be nice. Then you got to make sure it is properly ranked in search engines, and most of all Google. Then you need a sample app for users to download for free. Then the sample app has to be listed in all shareware repositories. There are hundreds. I use to help me place them there, and create the Pad file necessary for that.

Then you have to find a way to get paid and deliver. I use Paypal and my automated delivery system based on IPN. Others use such contractors as Paddle and others.

My take on Google Adwords is that it is very much a ripoff if you don’t spend a considerable time researching, and if your app is good enough. Same thing and probably worse for Facebook.

Altogether, Mac App Store and Windows Store are the most frictionless modes of distribution. I would start with that and expand with the others if it works. The key here is to not do either or, but any and all distribution channels. For instance, you can very well promote your page on the WS with Google. They also offer promotion at very low prices on Bing.

Hi Michel

Thanks for all the information. I’ll try the Microsoft Store asap with the same Xojo app.
I’m curious :slight_smile:


BTW @Horacio Vilches started an interesting thread about the Amazon app store. Yet another venue :

I was encountering issues updating Check Writer III lately. It appears now Microsoft requires all apps collecting financial information to be published from a business account.

So if you have anything like personal budget or the like to publish, go the business account route.

In terms of price, the business account is the same as an Apple dev account : $99.