Did you really set the build setting architecture to Windows ARM? The windows x86 64-Bit setting works with xojoscript even on windows ARM, but it depends on the microsoft emulation, which is quite nice but not native.
Ah, well, I relied on the example’s default settings as I was in a hurry to get out to lunch, so probably not. I’ll test again when I get back to the office.
Yep. Fail. That’s my bad. This really should be fixed…and long before Microsoft decides to kill their emulation layer.
Does Microsoft plan to kill their emulation layer?
Not that I’m aware of, but they killed it on Win10 ARM with no notice. I do expect to see a greater shift to ARM for Windows as they’re struggling against legacy systems that don’t support the security features they want to impose. A complete shift for the OS in consumer products with security only updates for x86 would likely help them reduce their teams and codebase, and there is a current trend toward reducing team size everywhere in tech right now.
Roger that
Never know month to month what MS will do
Just asked as thought I might have missed an announcement
The emulation will persist as long as Intel ones are more than 5% of the CPUs probably.
That said, asking to compile to native ARM should not present this:
I’ve read that NVIDIA is teaming up with MEDIATEK to produce an ARM CPU to reach the markets this year already, targeting to compete with the top Qualcomm options and grab 50% of Windows ARM laptops next year. The “Let’s Kill X86” games have already started.
TAIPEI, June 3 - Arm Holdings aims to gain more than 50% of the Windows PC market in five years, the chip designer’s CEO said, as Microsoft
Snapdragon already has very good CPU ready to ship.
I think their 50% goal is probably realistic since the laptop market will jump on it for battery life.
Here is something that gives idea:
The picture does not tell the whole story though since Apple M3 has helper instructions and helper cores like AI cores which can benefit it in certain situations. But even if this is best case graph then it tells us that they are there now, and this is their first gen of this also so there is long and nice road ahead with 2nd gen, 3rd gen, etc.
With that said then i am not convinced that Arm is ready to win the gaming market, but definitely the laptop market.
Game = GPU
In what they are working on no one knows for sure, but rumors says it will be public in Q3, and designs going to TSMC in the Q4.
It should also be mentioned that XojoScript could be a lot more important to Xojo developers as Microsoft sunsets VBScript.
XojoScript is important to write building automation. Those are internal IDE tasks.