Is this for real with the preview ? Makes me kind of wary.
I haven’t downloaded & installed one in a VM yet
[quote=133721:@Norman Palardy]Is this for real with the preview ? Makes me kind of wary.
I haven’t downloaded & installed one in a VM yet[/quote]
The article is not exactly clear about what the keylogger is :
This isn't the only thing Microsoft is collecting from Insider Program participants. According to the Privacy Policy, the company is collecting things like text inputted into the operating system, the details of any/all files on your system, voice input and program information.
What do they mean by “inputted into the operating system” ? If this is the login information with the Microsoft ID, nothing new. Is it the content of searches ? Is it trapping keys per se ? Is it simply akin to what among others Xojo collects about use of it’s product ?
Having a GMail account means already having relinquished a lot of privacy, since in exchange for one of the best spam filtering today, Google peaks in the content of your mail, and probably watches your every move in its UI. I was recently amazed as how Youtube offered me view of topics I never touched in my mail, but that could inferred indirectly by my topics of interest.
No doubt more details will surface soon.
In the meantime, I’ll be exploring Windows 10 just as I do Yosemite on Mac. I have to say that so far, the new Windows is fast, reliable, and way better aesthetically. Frameless windows are almost as nice as Mac ones.