Window Shake (macOS)

Hi… I’m trying to create a window that asks the user for a password to log in to the app - I want it to look like the built in MacOS dialog to unlock, for example, items in system preferences - whereby the window shakes if the user entered the wrong password - does anyone know of a declare that can do this? tia

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NSWindowMBS has a method with animation:

• method setFrame(frameRect as NSRectMBS, display as boolean, animated as boolean)

You may need to use a timer to move it three times each direction.

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Hi Christian, I was kinda hoping that someone knew of an Apple appkit call that could be made so its more native.

NSWindow has a few interesting methods like this one:

  • (void)_shake;

You can try it. No idea what it does!

Are you able to supply an example Christian…?

Seems to work here:

Sub Action() Handles Action
  Declare Sub shake Lib "Cocoa" Selector "_shake" (windowRef As Integer)
End Sub

Truly. you are a legend! Thank you so much.

sub shake extends w as window
Const shakewidth=6
const shakedel = .062
dim startingleft as Integer = w.Left
dim lastupdate As integer

for s as Integer = 0 to 3
  w.left = startingleft - shakewidth/2
  DelayMBS shakedel
  w.left =startingleft + shakewidth/2
  DelayMBS shakedel

w.left = startingleft

Let the doevents flames begin!


I would be cautious on this one as it appears to be private API (Apple use only), which means your app may be rejected from the  App Store or Apple’s Notarization service.


Meanwhile the other suggestion uses app destabilizing DoEvents and requires third party plugins. So choose your poison?

There might be something in Thom’s AnimationKit (open source) …

but it is also fairly easy to do it yourself without plugins, declares, or doEvents (and I send you a pm for a demo project).


Well, if you make selector from text, you may pass through their checks.
At least the selector will not show up in the scans of the application file.

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I use this in one of my on the AppStore. Up to now… no problems. fingers crossed.

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I use Julia’s approach but I use a Timer to control the movements. Works nice.

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You can easily use timers instead of DelayMBS and doevents, I just pulled this out of a module that’s worked for me over the years :slight_smile:


How can this be done?

hah, why are the most interesting “hacker subjects” hidden under such a topic. I thought “Window Shake” is of no interest to me, now it has the potential to become my favourite thread :slight_smile:

The difference would be that with MBS the shake method does not return until the shaking is done… With a Timer that would not be the case, but given the short duration probably not an issue.

I threw together an example using a timer and a Window extension method in a module:

Private Class ShakeTimer
Inherits Timer
	#tag Event
		Sub Action()
		  Const ShakeDelta as Integer =12
		  Const Shakes as Integer = 2
		  Select Case W.Left - StartingPosition
		  Case 0
		    W.Left = StartingPosition - ShakeDelta
		  Case -ShakeDelta
		    W.Left = StartingPosition + ShakeDelta
		    Rep = Rep + 1
		    W.Left = StartingPosition - ShakeDelta
		  End Select
		  If Rep >= Shakes Then
		    W.Left = StartingPosition
		    Me.Mode = Timer.ModeOff
		    Myself = Nil
		    W = Nil
		  End if
		End Sub
	#tag EndEvent

	#tag Method, Flags = &h0
		Sub Constructor(W as Window)
		  me.Period = 75
		  me.Mode = Timer.ModeMultiple
		  me.W = W
		  me.Myself = me
		  StartingPosition = W.Left
		End Sub
	#tag EndMethod

	#tag Property, Flags = &h21
		Private Myself As Shaketimer
	#tag EndProperty

	#tag Property, Flags = &h21
		Private Rep As Integer
	#tag EndProperty

	#tag Property, Flags = &h21
		Private StartingPosition As Integer
	#tag EndProperty

	#tag Property, Flags = &h21
		Private W As Window
	#tag EndProperty

And then the extension method is just:

Public Sub Shake(Extends W as Window)
  Dim T as new ShakeTimer(W)
End Sub

I create a circular reference in the timer on purpose that gets broken when the shaking is done. That way one does not need to keep a reference to it during the shake but still not have a leak.


I just tried this in a Windows 7 VM on my Mac… Besides shaking sideways, the window also moves up! Seems like an Xojo bug… On a Windows 10 VM it works as expected…

BTW is window shaking a thing on Windows?

Fixed that by also saving Window.Top and setting that as well as Window.Left with each move… though I should not have to.
