Window pop-out?

Hi, I have a question about how to start up a new window from the game; I have two windows, one for the game display and the second is empty but I am thinking of putting a msgbox in there and a textfield but how do I get the second window/window2 to pop-out?

A msgBox is its own modal window. It doesn’t reside in another window.
To show your 2nd window:
From your description, however, it sounds like you could profit from some consideration of your app design.

[quote=169211:@Roger Clary]A msgBox is its own modal window. It doesn’t reside in another window.
To show your 2nd window:
From your description, however, it sounds like you could profit from some consideration of your app design.[/quote]

I am making a pong game that has two paddels and a pongball, it also has a scoreboard. I want the window2 to show when the score is greater than five so that the winning player can enter their name in since I need textfields and in window1 I have a paddle that works with the arrows; since the arrows also work with the textfields and textboxes there is no way that I can work the arrows thus I want to try and put the textfields and textboxes along with the pushbutton on window2.