It tooks me more time to make code working in Window.KeyDown that to write that code.
Worst, the code I wrote was in the KeyDown event definition.
Whats wrong ?
You have to Return True in Window.KeyDown to enable WindowKeyUp and there is no word of that in the docs.
When code does not works, check the docs, then search around
B TW: I recall we have to ser Return True in MouseDown to get the other Mouse
event fired, but not for that one !
[quote=142388:@Emile Schwarz]You have to Return True in Window.KeyDown to enable WindowKeyUp and there is no word of that in the docs.
You are right, this is missing in the LR for both KeyUp and KeyDown. Why don’t you report it as a documentation bug ? Any time I have done that, Paul fixed it most efficiently right away.
I am training myself for the time, soon, when I will not be able to write bug reports.
My license will ends soon.