window crashes??

I have this code below that causes a subwindow of the program to not exactly crash the program in the debugger. It kind of disappears. It sources from a menu item and it properly goes and finishes that, but the subwindow never reappears. It does on my other options. What could be wrong??

[code] Dim aBOM as String = Encodings.UTF8.Chr(&hFEFF)
Dim BOMLength As Integer = aBOM.LenB
If LeftB(AFile, BOMLength) = aBOM And Encodings.UTF8.IsValidData(AFile) = True Then
ThsWrdFle = AFile
ArManip.fEncoding = Encodings.UTF8

			ElseIf LeftB(AFile, BOMLength) <> aBOM And Encodings.UTF8.IsValidData(AFile) = True Then
					MsgBox "The BOM Hasn't Been Set Correctly." + EndOfLine + "When the file is finished importing, FIRST task is Clean up the first cell."
					ThsWrdFle = AFile
					ArManip.fEncoding = Encodings.UTF8
			ElseIf LeftB(AFile, BOMLength) = aBOM And Encodings.UTF8.IsValidData(AFile) = False Then
					MsgBox "The File's UTF-8 Encoding Is Not Applicable.  It Might Be Damaged." + EndOfLine + "Consider restoring a backup of the file."
			ElseIf LeftB(AFile, BOMLength) <> aBOM And Encodings.UTF8.IsValidData(AFile) = False Then//Here???
					MsgBox "The File is corrupted. .  It Might Be Damaged." + EndOfLine + "Consider restoring a backup of the file."
			end if//If LeftB(AFile, BOMLength) = aBOM And Encodings.UTF8.IsValidData(AFile) = True Then

BTW I’ll be leaving my computer for a while

And which line is last before crash?

Sorry. The last one. I knew I was rushing and would forget something. I changed it recently since my code was adding an item to the recently used menuitem. It was obviously defective but the code does not care.

Never mind. I had at the bottom Self.Visible = True