win explorer properties: "Language" can't be set within the IDE?

The windows explorer properties dialog has a “details” page which lists all the version information of the compiled application as they were set in the app properties. (“App.LongVersion”, “App.Copyright”, etc.) in the IDE.

Only the “Language” is always shown as “English (USA)” on my system (german Win7 and downloaded the mulilangual installer of Xojo). I tried changing the “BuildLanguage”, but that has no effect.

So, I can’t set the Language property from within Xojo directly? Then is there at least a way to do it by other means?


Use a PE file editor to edit the Version Info table of the EXE. I recommend PE Explorer ($$) or Resource Hacker (free).

In the version info block there’s a “Translation” value which is a hex number corresponding to an entry in the list on this page (scroll down to the langID table.)

You may also need to change the name of the table from “1033” to a locale ID from this table.

[quote=14019:@Jürgen Kurowski]The windows explorer properties dialog has a “details” page which lists all the version information of the compiled application as they were set in the app properties. (“App.LongVersion”, “App.Copyright”, etc.) in the IDE.

Only the “Language” is always shown as “English (USA)” on my system (german Win7 and downloaded the mulilangual installer of Xojo). I tried changing the “BuildLanguage”, but that has no effect.

So, I can’t set the Language property from within Xojo directly? Then is there at least a way to do it by other means?

Please file a bug report as that would seem to be one of the things we could / should set on Windows builds

@ Andrew: thanks, I’ll check it out

@ Norman: filed under 27394