i saw an article about Apple bringing “wide color” to the iPhone 7 and that it’s already available on some new iMacs:
Having never heard of “Wide Color” and not very graphics literate, I of course googled and came up with this article:
Xojo graphics capabilities in general (despite High DPI) are kind of last century i a lot of ways… and now it looks like the state of the art is going to change even more…
According to Wikipedia
Of course Xojo uses 8 bits per channel color in it’s graphics routines. I have to wonder how 16 bits per channel could be supported without breaking a lot of code if they do support it
I wonder if Xojo inc has been thinking about this. It probably won’t be a big deal for a few years but it sounds like it may eventually be important.
Of course I may be misunderstanding things and the extra color resolution may not matter for most things.
Well, Xojo could add a method to create picture in 16bit per channel and than let the graphics class draw into it.
Of course it would be helpful to have more methods for this.
Or instead you just use MBS Plugins which probably will soon get a few more methods for this.
(if the existing ones for CG drawing miss something)
This is very cool and I imagine all you have to do is make a higher bit depth picture and use a certain colorsync profile. I make CGBitmapsContexts in 8bit int per channel pictures (xojo standard) and the switch to 32bit float per channel was simply supplying a different constant when creating, and a different pixel offset scale for pixel manipulations.
[quote=276420:@Karen Atkocius]Of course Xojo uses 8 bits per channel color in it’s graphics routines. I have to wonder how 16 bits per channel could be supported without breaking a lot of code if they do support it
I wonder if Xojo inc has been thinking about this.[/quote]
Thought has been put into it and there’s a rough plan on how to go about implementing it.