Type “DesktopListBox” has no member named “CellValueAt”
dtt=ToDoWin.ImpNurg.CellValueAt(i, 2)
Type mismatch error. Expected String, but got Int32
dtt=ToDoWin.ImpNurg.CellValueAt(i, 2)
I get these two errors in a for … next loop where i=0 to LastRowIndex
but dtt is declared as String and ToDoWin.ImpNurg is the reference to a 3 columns ListBox in the ToDoWin window, the method itself is in App.
So, why no member?
Items in a single-column DesktopListBox can be accessed using the CellValueAt method as the column parameter defaults to 0. The following example gets the value in the first row of a DesktopListBox:
Var lastName AsString
lastName = ListBox1.CellValueAt(0)